Hookface spell mistake + help with dragons

Shackled City Adventure Path

I’m about to run the encounter with Hookface with my players. Looking over his stats I see that one of his 2 level spells is CMW??? I thought that dragons cast spells like a sorcerer. How does he have access to divine magic? Am I mistaken or is this an error? Also, does anyone have any ideas on how to run hookface so that he’s a tougher opponent? My players know how to dish out the damage and I’m worried that it won’t be much of a challenge, plus I’m not too familiar with dragons. So any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

If you check the spells entry in the dragon description in the monster manual, it says that some dragons can cast cleric or domain spells as arcane spells.

Hookface's spells like shield, protection from good, and cat's grace will all add an armor boost. These aren't included in his stat block (at least not in the mag, not sure if you're using the hardcover). Hookface would definitely cast dispel magic on any flying characters as well. Flying gives him a huge advantage, and he wouldn't likely give that up. Also, one of the game designers (I think Monte Cook) is on record as saying that dragons are a little tougher than most other critters of their challenge rating because it was assumed that characters would research any significant dragon presence in an area and prepare for it. I think it's on his website somewhere. If that still isn't enough, you can always just tack on some more hit points, and/or give him another item like a scarab of protection.

Also remember that dragons are extremely intelligent, and Hookface is there just out of curiosity. If he takes a lot of damage he will use every trick he has to escape and seek revenge later, not become random encounter fodder for some adventurers.

Other than using spells for personal-effecting buffs up front, the only thing you really need to be mindful of if worried about presenting a challenge is trying to arrange as many full attack or multiple-individual-in-breath-weapon rounds as you can manage. His Quicken Breath feat allows you to use his breath weapon as a free action and the Power Attack feat (in conjunction with his ludicrous combat bonuses) mean that he can certainly afford to sacrifice at least 5-10 points from the attack for the damage boost with his full attack routine. Lastly, the Snatch feat tree would seem to allow him to swoop over the PCs and grab up to two of them a round without taking AoOs. Given that his grapple checks (even if taking the -20 penalty for not "joining" the grapple) will likely keep most PCs confined long enough for him to achieve a great altitude, this provides numerous tactical advantages as well as long as you play up the dragon's intellect and target appropriate characters with these techniques.

Recommended spell buffs would include: <i/>fire shield</i>, </i>protection from energy</i> (anything but cold or fire), <i/>cat's grace</i>, and <i/>shield</i>.

If he needs to withdraw for a little while (i.e. he's taken to roughly 100 hit points or so), have him use <i/>greater invisibility</i> whilst retreating away to cast numerous <i/>cure moderate wounds</i> spells upon himself and restore any buffs that have either expired or been dispelled.

Maybe I just haven’t gotten enough sleep preparing for the game tonight, but I just can’t seem to be able to tell the difference between Flyby Attack and Adroit Flyby Attack. They both allow you to move before and after your attack. What am I missing? Please speak slowly and use small words.

Flyby Attack = gives opponent attack of opportunity (probably) for moving through a threatened square.

Adroit Flyby Attack = no attack of opportunity.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Adroit Flyby Attack, in my opinion, is an unfortunate feat. The difference is that with Flyby Attack, you provoke attacks of opportunity as you fly by your target. Flyby Attack is not Spring Attack.

Adroit Flyby Attack essentially duplicates Spring Attack, by letting a creature do a fly by attack without provoking an attack of opportunity.

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