Forgotten Realms Stumper . . .Staff of Silverymoon


I'm in the process of dusting off some 2E characters that played in The Rod of Seven Parts. I'm trying to locate a 3.0 or (preferrably) 3.5 stat block for the Staff of Silverymoon. The item was gifted to one of my PCs by Alustriel during the course of the aforementioned adventure . . . Pretty sure I've seen this, but can't find it now . . .

Only thing I can find so far in my resources are its old stats in the Seven Sisters 2e book. I'll keep my eyes open though.

I finally found what I was looking for . . . the <i/>Lesser Staff of Silverymoon<i/> is stat blocked in <i/>Lost Empires of Faerun<i/>.

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