Problem downloading from my assets

Customer Service

I've ordered several PDF's and seem to be having problems downloading them. I"ve tried to download one PDF, the Temple of Elemental Evil, 3 times now. Each time the d/l seems successful, but Adobe Reader 4.0 is giving me a "viewer cannot decrypt this document" error. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

You need Acrobat Reader 5.0 or newer.

Yeah, the same thought occurred to me about 2 minutes after I posted this. Thanks for the lightning response!

Unrelated to my earlier question - upgrading my version of Adobe Reader worked!
Is there a problem with the My Dowloads pages? I'm getting HTTP 500 error, page not available trying to access to PDFs I jus purchased. Thanks.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

This is something a couple customers have mentioned but we haven't yet been able to duplicate it here.

Try quitting & relaunching your browser, then going directly to this link:

Thanks, that worked like a charm. Could it be a file size issue? I've got over 100 megs d/l's on the page. Also, how do I delete files from my assets once I've successfully d/l them? Thanks again! Your service is the best!

Eleazar wrote:
Thanks, that worked like a charm. Could it be a file size issue?

I don't believe so. We'll keep looking into it.

Eleazar wrote:
Also, how do I delete files from my assets once I've successfully d/l them?

They stay there, available for you to re-download, forever. The personalized files disappear off the servers after a few days to free up our server space, but you can re-personalize them any time.

Eleazar wrote:
Your service is the best!

You are most welcome. Thank you for being our customer!

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