Markus the Mad |

On behalf of my gaming group up here in Montreal, we invite you to check out our campaign website/blog at http://shackledoutsiders.blogspot.com
I started it out just for fun, and as a way for me as a DM to keeping some running record of the details of the campaign. But my players are proud of their role-playing exploits, and the group dynamic we have built over the past 7 years of playing together - and they requested that I "announce" the website, and ask people to come check out their adventures so far (we just started Drakthar's Way last Sunday, so it's still early on).
As a fellow DM, you might find it a useful resource for ideas on how to foreshadow the roles of many important NPCs in the campaign. By the end of the first session, I already had the party registered under an adventuring charter, with Lord Vhalantru as their local sponsor/patron. The party cleric was working with both the churches of St-Cuthbert and Wee Jas. The party wizard was an apprentice to the dwarven magic item merchant "Tyro Amberhelm". And that's just the beginning!
Overall, I think I've done a great job in setting up lots of eventual shocks and twists as the PCs discover who they really can and cannot trust. The fall of Alek Tercival will have much more impact, for example, now that they have travelled with him as an NPC for much of Chapter Two.
So hopefully some of you check us out, and hopefully find this of interest! Feel free to leave any player-friendly (non-spoilerish) comments on the site itself. DM-only comments or questions (if you have any) should stay in this thread. Thanks!

Eonthar |

On behalf of my gaming group up here in Montreal, we invite you to check out our campaign website/blog at http://shackledoutsiders.blogspot.com
Very nice blog, I like it a lot.
I have a couple of questions for you. Whereabouts in Montreal are you? When/how often do you play? Are you looking for another player?
I ask this because I am also based in Montreal, and play every other week, but would be interested in playing more frequently.

Markus the Mad |

Thanks for the interest, although unfortunately at the moment we aren't looking for anyone. If that does change in the future, though, I will let you know (and most likely post a message about it on our campaign blog).
Our game time is usually Sundays 12 to 6 (every week), with the location alternating between St-Eustache and Dorval.

Jeffrey Stop |

On behalf of my gaming group up here in Montreal, we invite you to check out our campaign website/blog at http://shackledoutsiders.blogspot.com
Hey, nice site! I always dream about making a site like that for our campaign, but never seem to find the time. Where did you get the icons for the NPCs?

Markus the Mad |

Markus the Mad wrote:On behalf of my gaming group up here in Montreal, we invite you to check out our campaign website/blog at http://shackledoutsiders.blogspot.comHey, nice site! I always dream about making a site like that for our campaign, but never seem to find the time. Where did you get the icons for the NPCs?
Thanks! And check out http://www.therpgenius.com/ . Made by some people on these boards, it has the NPC pictures and lots of other helpful stuff. Definitely saved me some time in putting together the site.

jumpet |
On behalf of my gaming group up here in Montreal, we invite you to check out our campaign website/blog at http://shackledoutsiders.blogspot.com
Great Site, keep it up. BTW I am amazed you have gone two whole sessions without combat! (session 6-7). I don't think I could pull that off with my group. Do you give big XP awards for these sessions?

Markus the Mad |

Great Site, keep it up. BTW I am amazed you have gone two whole sessions without combat! (session 6-7). I don't think I could pull that off with my group. Do you give big XP awards for these sessions?
Thanks for reading!
And I must say that I am just as impressed with my players as you are - I've been ready to roll with the big action set-piece at the beginning of Flood Season (the Lucky Monkey) for the past couple of sessions, but they are just so into the role-playing that I'm in no rush to stop them!
As for XP awards, I used to give a lot, to encourage good role-playing, but now I find that I don't even have to. The guys get more satisfaction out of seeing one of their plans work out, or solving some important mystery on their own, than actually levelling up. So I try to reward them for sessions like this with something along those lines - such as having an attempted romance with an NPC work out well, or having their new shop do good business - things that don't affect game mechanics too much, but make the players feel like their role-playing is impacting the game world in an important way.
Despite all that, though, I have to say that this is a new record for us. At six hours per game session, two weeks in a row - we've actually sat around playing D&D for twelve hours straight without rolling a single damage die!

Clive |

Nice Site. I added it to my favorites and will be checking back frequently. I love reading about how other DM's are handling their Shackled City adventure. I have been running one for a little over a month now, but my group takes things a bit slower than most, and we are still on Life's Bazaar. We play every Friday and our site is here: [url]shackledcity.wikispaces.com[/url]

Markus the Mad |

Nice Site. I added it to my favorites and will be checking back frequently. I love reading about how other DM's are handling their Shackled City adventure. I have been running one for a little over a month now, but my group takes things a bit slower than most, and we are still on Life's Bazaar. We play every Friday and our site is here: [url]shackledcity.wikispaces.com[/url]
Thanks! And I like your site a lot too.
I think that's one of my favorite things about the Shackled City thus far (other than how awesome the actual adventure is) - the fact that it has made a real community of all the DMs who have ran it. I never get tired of hearing what other groups are doing with the city and its NPCs.

![]() |

Great site Markus! I liked it so much that I decided to make one of my own on blogspot. I used the same template that you did (hope you don't mind that mine looks a lot like yours. They say that imitation is the truest form of flattery). It is by far the best template for a site on SCAP. Hope you guys enjoy reading about our little romp through the adventure. I will keep reading yours and the others that have made sites. Your definitely right about SCAP having a great following on this forum. I have gotten a lot of good ideas from it.

Orbius Maximus |

Hey Markus, love the site! A friend told me about it a few days ago, and I've already zipped through all the summaries. You and your players can tell one heck of a good story!
Anyway, I was wondering if you had any plans on running Age of Worms after this campaign ends (which won't be for a while, I know)? I'd love to see how you guys would handle the storyline of that one.

Markus the Mad |

Hey Markus, love the site! A friend told me about it a few days ago, and I've already zipped through all the summaries. You and your players can tell one heck of a good story!
Anyway, I was wondering if you had any plans on running Age of Worms after this campaign ends (which won't be for a while, I know)? I'd love to see how you guys would handle the storyline of that one.
Hi! Thanks as always for the interest in our website - it's my first time doing anything like this for a D&D campaign, and it's been a complete blast so far.
As for your Age of Worms question, we actually do have that lined-up to play back-to-back with the Shackled City, once we're through with it (looking like September or something like that). Our group's other resident DM (we pretty much alternate from one campaign to the next) is Chris, who plays Scatterpells/Verodemocrium in the Outsiders. He'll be taking up the mantle for AoW, which he is already prepping during his spare time. I'll be a PC for that one (thinking of perhaps a Favored Soul of Wee Jas), but will also continue on as webmaster for our site, with basically the same layout and content as what we are doing right now. So stay tuned! And in the meantime, I hope you keep on enjoying the adventures of the Outsiders.