My take on Kalamanthis

Age of Worms Adventure Path

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The below follows the rules for drugs and addiction in the Book of Vile Darkness. Thoughts and comments would be appreciated:

A rare psychotropic drug derived from a plant grown on the slopes of GriffonÕs Roost. Kalamanthis is cultivated and traded by the monks of the Twilight Monastery. It is the dried root of the kalamanthis plant, pressed into sheets and then crumbled and smoked in a pipe.

Type: Inhaled DC 12
Cost: 5sp per dose
Alchemy DC: 15
Addiction: Medium (Fort DC 10)
Satiation: 5 days
Damage: 1d4 Wis, 1d4 Int

Initial Effect: 1 hour of euphoric hallucinations; user must make a DC 12 Will save every 10 minutes for one hour or be fascinated for 1d4 minutes. Most users voluntarily fail this save.
Secondary Effect: 5 more hours of sporadic hallucinations; user must make saves as above once per hour for the next 5 hours; a failed save means that the hallucinations come on at some time during that hour.
Side Effects: -4 on Will saving throws; the drug reduces the userÕs ability to tell reality from the hallucinations. This side effect lasts for the 6 hours of the initial and secondary damage.


Send me some for evaluation, TIA.

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