My AoW @ Eberron Campaign

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Hi Folks,
if you like it or not, I will start posting my experiences with my AoW campaign in Eberron right here. My campaign starts tomorrow and here is the rooster of characters:

Luura, a female Changeling rogue who worked at the Midnight Salute as a table dancer. She constantly change places with Constance (who also is a Changeling) and so got involved in her agend business by mistake now being the would-be victim of Constances assassins.

An Valenar Elf "Samurai" (name yet tbd by player) with a special double-scimitar as his weapon combo. He works as one of six guards for Elival Moonmeadow. His weapon is a legacy weapon but this fact is currently unknown to the PC.

A human female cleric of Dol Arrah (name yet tobd by player) who works at the garisons church. She is very talented with the hellebard and uses improved trip to bring down foes and offer conversion or dead.

Takashtai, a female Kalashtar Telepath raised as an orphant by poor human inhabitants of DL. She is very loyal to her parents but knows that she belongs to somewhere else. She owns the abandoned cottage presented as the players homebase in Dragon mag.

A male Shifter (name still tbd by player) Druid of the Bronzewood comunity.

A male (name tbd...) human wizard, one of Allustan apprentices. He is secretly in love with Takashtai which fact is not known to her (as she not even has noticed him yet).

A male (name tbd...) warforged fighter, member of the garrison who wants to understand the concept of friendship beyond cameraderie.

All players have recieved written background on DL with special information tailored to their character. Most of the PC do not know each other at the start of the campaign and it will be tomorrow evenings game to let them introduce themselves.

There's a forum for campaign journals here:

Might be a better place to post this.

I recommend using a blog. They are handy!

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