Reaching Out

Paizo To Send Gaming Care Packages To Dragon and Dungeon Subscribers Hit By Katrina

Many members of the gaming community were hit hard when the Gulf coast was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Naturally, the most important need is for humanitarian aid for all of our fellow citizens affected by the storm. We encourage everyone in the gaming community to contribute to reputable aid organizations such as the Red Cross and to consider volunteering in whatever capacity each of us is able.

Beyond this, Paizo has decided that we can help in our own small way by creating a care package for our subscribers whose belongings were likely damaged or destroyed in the storm. These packages will consist of a collection of gaming products donated by Paizo and other companies and will be sent to our subscribers that live or lived in the areas hardest hit.

If you would like to contribute toward this effort, you may purchase this Katrina Care Package Donation here at All money collected will be used to purchase additional supplies and help get the packages to our friends in the gaming community.

Go to our messageboard thread Addresses Affected By Katrina to learn more about these efforts.

Those interested in contributing toward this effort may do so at:

Katrina Care Packages

Customer Service

This program is in response to the expressed desire of our wonderful community to contribute toward helping a few of our friends get back on their feet after the hurricane.

The original thread is linked above.

Product added.

Contribution made.

Stefan rocks.

Robert Head wrote:
Stefan rocks.

Thanks...I wish I could do more. My wife and I already contributed to the Red Cross. I can only imagine how I would feel if all my gaming stuff was gone.

Contribution made.

What a fantastic thing to do :) Hopefully our donations can help to make someones day in the aftermath of this terrible tragedy.
My donation is winging it's way to the fund, all the way from the other side of the planet - Aotearoa (New Zealand)

Well done Paizo for a great effort!


i live here on the Gulf Coast in Texas - not far from New Orleans. my wife and i have done all we could for the Red Cross. this just seemed to be the next logical step...

contribution made -

here's to hoping the gaming goes on for a long while...

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