E-Tools worth my $30?


does anyone have them and are they worth 30 bucks?
im getting ready to go back to iraq and i was wondering if it would save me from lugging more books with me.

I have E-tools and, frankly, don't use it very often. I find that's it's not so easy to manipulate the information it generates. I more often use all the ressources that are available on d&d websites to generate NPCs, maps and treasures. If you don't have access to the net where you're going, I guess it's an alternative.


thanks for the quick response
ill have a laptop with most of my resourse books in .pdf format

i was specifically looking for something with easy character creation, npc creation, encounters, ect... also does it have the tables to reference easily?

Ultradan wrote:

I have E-tools and, frankly, don't use it very often. I find that's it's not so easy to manipulate the information it generates. I more often use all the ressources that are available on d&d websites to generate NPCs, maps and treasures. If you don't have access to the net where you're going, I guess it's an alternative.


What do you use for treasure generation? I've not so far been all that happy with what I have found in this area.

You might think I'm old-school, but I'd stick with what you have in pdf. As far as I can tell, there aren't many ways to speed up the creation of an encounter. The E-Tools help a little, but I find them not flexible enough for my needs.

For Treasure, NPC, and other Generators, I go to a website calles dndadventure.com... They have a gazillion links to such generators, PC portraits, maps, anything you want really. You can generate what you want, then copy/paste it onto whatever format you're working on. I find it priceless.

And just so you know, I have nothing to do with the website, so I'm not just saying that.


Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
What do you use for treasure generation? I've not so far been all that happy with what I have found in this area.

Anything by Jamis Buck.

Here's a link to an online version of his treasure generator:

(You can usually download an offline version of them.) He's done several others that I use heavily (the NPC generator, Town generator).

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