Byakala's (sp?) hit point total? . . . and other inconsistencies . . .

Shackled City Adventure Path

1) In Asylum (pg 311 of the hardcover), the smoking eye advanced marilith's hit points are listed as 216. In Appendix 1, her hit point total is given as 310. I'm next to certain that the latter is correct nad am essentially just providing a heads-up . . .

2) In Thirteen Cages (pg 284 og the hardcover), Shebelth's tactics include a casting of protection from evil (ostensibly during his bonus time after casting time stop). His Ring of Thirteen obviates the need for redundant applicaiton of the effect and an alternate spell should be substituted here . . .

3) Speaking of the Ring of Thirteen, does the constant endure elements spell(s) cover all 5 types of energy or any one at a time?

4) In Secrets of the Soul Pillars, how does Tulrak (one of Iverson's hired assassins) cast divine favor before the fight begins? Tulrak has no ranks in Use Magic Device, has no cleric levels, and cannot have divine favor loaned to him via imbue with spell ability . . .

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