Bocklin |

Dear Paizo Staff,
Welcome back to your office after some crazy time at Gencon. :-)
I was wondering if there were any news about Official Converstion Notes for the SCAP Hardcover. Is it still in your plans? Do you have an idea when that might come out?
I must admit that my decision to buy the book is actually strongly linked to the existence of such Official Conversion Notes and I would be happy to know if there will be some.
In advance, thanks for your reply.

Bocklin |

All stats have been updated to 3.5; what (other) conversion notes do you mean?
Hum... Yes, I meant Setting Conversion notes à la "Age of Worms" to help you transpose the AP to the Forgotten Realms or to Eberron (i.e. official adaptation suggestions from Eric L. Boyd and Keith Baker).

dizzyk |

I meant Setting Conversion notes à la "Age of Worms" to help you transpose the AP to the Forgotten Realms or to Eberron (i.e. official adaptation suggestions from Eric L. Boyd and Keith Baker).
With only a cursory search, I can't find the archived thread to send you a link, but after I asked the same question a few months back, James posted that there will *not* be official Eberron/Realms conversions for Shackled City.
If you are looking for advice, search these boards. There are several active threads running where people are posting their ideas on conversion to other campaign settings.

Byron Zibeck |

Bocklin wrote:I meant Setting Conversion notes à la "Age of Worms" to help you transpose the AP to the Forgotten Realms or to Eberron (i.e. official adaptation suggestions from Eric L. Boyd and Keith Baker).With only a cursory search, I can't find the archived thread to send you a link, but after I asked the same question a few months back, James posted that there will *not* be official Eberron/Realms conversions for Shackled City.
If you are looking for advice, search these boards. There are several active threads running where people are posting their ideas on conversion to other campaign settings.
Did James say that there definately wasn't going to be one, or just that one wasn't currently in the works?

Bocklin |

Shackled City was under an extremely tight deadline; we simply didn't have time to do the extensive Eberron or Forgotten Realms conversion notes for it along the lines of what we're doing for Age of Worms.
There are also no plans to do "official" conversions for the campaign at this time.
Thanks for your reply, James. I understand.
Actually the APs seems to act as a Greyhawk magnet for our group.
After an unfortunate attempt to run AoW in Faerûn (unfortunate because it ended in a TPK during 3FoE), we are now really jacked up on Greyhawk. The interesting GH background from the Overload document caught my attention and I have succesfully been pushing for a Greyhawk drive in our group.
We are now looking at playing SCAP in Greyhawk.
Thanks again for your reply.