Where is Cauldron located in Greyhawk?

Shackled City Adventure Path

Sorry, I do not have the new Greyhawk maps that appeared in Dungeon recently. I only have the maps from the original box set back in the 80s. I heard somewhere that it was by "Sasserine"? But I couldn't find that city on my old maps, so if someone could let me know a landmark or country, that would be much appreciated. thanks

In the Greyhawk maps they included in Dungeon magazine recently, Cauldron was located in the Hellfurnace Mountains, just south of Jeklea Bay and not far "into" the mountains.

Sassarine, the "capital" vaguely referred to in the AP adventures, is located north of Cauldron, on Jeklea Bay.

In my AP campaign, which I just started, I made Sassarine a weak kingdom with heavy economic ties to the Sea Princes, which can, due to the location of Sassarine and their own naval power, blockade Sassarine and Cauldron whenever they want.

Cauldron is a jumping off point and major trading post for explorers and merchants traveling into the Sea of Dust and the Amedio Jungles. I have made gems and ivory Cauldron's main trade goods, brought in from the jungles.

The Sea Princes are charging ever higher prices for allowing merchant vessels the privilege of traveling to Sassarine and the Lord Mayor of Cauldron and his liege, the King in Sassarine are working on a long range plan to circumvent or somehow make themselves more independent from the Sea Princes.

...but that's just in my campaign. I'm thinking of making Vhalantru a renegade Sea Prince, who wants Cauldron to become the "gate" for Carceri so that he can exact his revenge on his fellow Sea Princes.

Thank you! Very helpful info. I like your take on its ties with the Sea Princes. I may borrow this.

Yes, if you look at the geography of the region, sea lanes are about the only way to leave Cauldron/Sassarine for the rest of Greyhawk; an overland journey would be arduous beyond belief, at least for commerce.


Claw, I too have the old 80's GH map. I have the new ones now, too. Cauldron is located exactly 7 hexes straight up from 149 along the bottom of the map - one hex to the left of the edge of the Amedio Jungle.

Hope that helps.

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