
Website Feedback

Did you guys upgrade the servers or something? It seems a lot faster today.

Not yet, although new servers are on the way.

The site is pretty snappy when everything is running smoothly. (Which was decidedly not the case this past weekend.)

When the new servers are on line (any day now™), it's gonna be sweet!

- rob

Robert Head wrote:
When the new servers are on line (any day now™), it's gonna be sweet!

Looks like it's running on Apple now... Are you sticking with that with the new servers? (I'm a geek, I can't help myself. Plus I like Apple.)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Yep - we're adding some new XServe G5s to the current G4s!


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

On Thursday afternoon, we added the new servers in. We saw an immediate and significant increase in speed, which hopefully you've also noticed, and, while it's still early, it looks like some of the stability problems we were having have been ironed out. We've still got some hardware to add to the equation in the next month or so, so it should just keep getting better from here.


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