A question about the Wind Dukes

Age of Worms Adventure Path

There are a couple of Living Greyhawk adventures ("The Reckoning" & "The Final Reckoning" by Sean Flaherty & John Richardson)which feature a place known as the Forlorn Cairn in the Cairn Hills. This cairn is quite similar to the Whispering Cairn in that it also has tubes extending to the surface which catch the wind. Someone in the Greytalk chat once told me that the Forlorn Cairn was built by the Wind Dukes. The cairn is inhabited by seven animated skeletons which are tall, with elongated skulls and willowy fingers. They also have wing bones.

My question is: Are/were Wind Dukes winged?

As depicted in the Rod of 7 Parts boxed set, they are tall, ebony-skinned, wingless humanoids, but the guardians of the Forlorn Cairn have wings.

How exactly are the Wind Dukes depicted in the Whispering Cairn?

Rob Bastard wrote:

There are a couple of Living Greyhawk adventures ("The Reckoning" & "The Final Reckoning" by Sean Flaherty & John Richardson)which feature a place known as the Forlorn Cairn in the Cairn Hills. This cairn is quite similar to the Whispering Cairn in that it also has tubes extending to the surface which catch the wind. Someone in the Greytalk chat once told me that the Forlorn Cairn was built by the Wind Dukes. The cairn is inhabited by seven animated skeletons which are tall, with elongated skulls and willowy fingers. They also have wing bones.

My question is: Are/were Wind Dukes winged?

As depicted in the Rod of 7 Parts boxed set, they are tall, ebony-skinned, wingless humanoids, but the guardians of the Forlorn Cairn have wings.

How exactly are the Wind Dukes depicted in the Whispering Cairn?

They are depicted in the latter fashion (ebony-skinned, etc.), though the elongated skulls and willowy fingers mentioned in the former adventures are also vaati-like characteristics (the wind dukes called themselves the Vaati).

If you want to be clever and involve these other cairns into the AP, the creatures guarding it could be a winged race similar to the vaati, but less in touch with the elemental forces of air (possibly astral devas allied with the vaati?), or perhaps the vaati drastically evolved so that they did not need wings any more. Of course, that would make the cairns in those Living Greyhawk adventures incredibly ancient (pre-dating even the War with the Queen of Chaos and Mishka).

The possibilities are endless ;)

Scarab Sages

Is there seriously no way to reprint the Living Greyhawk scenarios?

Some of them sound cool as heck, but I never joined RPGA, since I couldn't get to cons.

It would be a shame for them to be forgotten.

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