Passing of David Southerland


Scarab Sages

I’m sad to report that classic D&D artist/illustrator David Southerland has passed away at the age of 56 due to chronic liver failure. Southerland created some of the most indelible images that old school gamers associate with the hobby…The cover of the original Monster Manual, the original DM Guide, the covers of several first printings of modules, and served as cartographer on many, many more (like the Forgotton Realms, Dark Sun, Ravenloft, and Maztica boxed sets, ToEE, and the original Manual of the Planes).

The article on his death can be accessed here:

and a list of his work is available from the good folks at Pen &

Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, I didn’t see any threads relating to it.


This guy absolutely rocked! It's sad to hear him go. I had just been lobbying maps in Dungeon like the one he created for the orginal Ravenloft module on the "Wil Save Replacements" thread.

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