Old Enemies Return

Shackled City Adventure Path

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

(Apologies if this posts more than once. It didn't show the first time I wrote it, and I couldn't get it back.)

So, after my primary group finished up the Test of the Smoking Eye, I have to put them through a side adventure to get them to the right level to move on. I'm planning on running a modified Fiendish Foot which ends up set in the Demonskar, and having Nabthatoron, or however you spell that name, return at the end of the module. He is just one of the enemies this party has made, including Zaur Sza the rakshasa and Myrkul the lich along the way.

What have other DM's done about bringing back old enemies the PCs have made along the way?

Liberty's Edge

In my campaign, the only return villain so far was the half dwarf/half troll slave trader from "Life's Bizarre." The slave trader managed to escape the party after playing possum and regenerating enough hit points to make his escape. He later returned and attempted to kill one of the party members but was slain by the Striders of Flaragan. (The party member in question was an attractive female that had developed a semi romantic relationship with both of the male half elf Striders.)

We just finished up the Lords of Oblivion and I am planning on having the party encounter Nabthatoron again since he survived his battle with the party and he certainly hasn’t forgotten (or forgiven) them.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Steev42 wrote:

So, after my primary group finished up the Test of the Smoking Eye, I have to put them through a side adventure to get them to the right level to move on. I'm planning on running a modified Fiendish Foot which

Ha that's funny. I actually ran Fiendish Foot before Test and due to the party cleric putting on the foot and loosing his clerichood, the Test became the way to get his powers back! Fiendish Foot is a cool adventure.


A little off topic but Nabthotoron was never even hurt when the PCs fought him the first time. He ripped through Alek like a hot knife through butter.

Anyway, my friend introduced 2 new players to the game of D&D last week. They had never played before. So, using some NPCs I had the player receive some data about Nab' and his movements. I thought a big boss fight would be a great way to introduce the new guys to RP'ing.

Anyway, I "assisted" the new guys in acquiring things that might assist them with the fight and allowed the party to buff themselves similar to an online RPG where you know where the boss is and you havent touched his "radar" yet. I also cheesed Nabs tactics to make him easier. The guys had a blast with it and now they want to come back. I told them not to expect fights to be like this in the future.

Needless to say Nabthotoron is out of the picture which leaves quite a few interesting alternatives for long term enemies of the players and Cauldron.

I plan on bringing Dhorlot back as an enemy since the players destroyed the red that was attacking Crazy Jared. The PCs completely bypassed him the Kuo Toa lair and I had him recuperating from his last battle with the red still.

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