Duom: Exotic or Martial?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I recall the duom being an exotic weapon in 3e. Is there a rhyme or reason to it now being a martial weapon in the article about polearms?

Seriously. does anyone know the answer? I want to use this weapon in an upcoming game, but I need to know whether or not I need to invest in Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Duom).

I speak solely from personal opinion, but I think it is fine as a martial weapon in its current form. It used to give a bonus on an attack against an adjacent foe, while now it gives penalties. That should balance it out with other martial weapons, IMHO.

Shade wrote:
I speak solely from personal opinion, but I think it is fine as a martial weapon in its current form. It used to give a bonus on an attack against an adjacent foe, while now it gives penalties. That should balance it out with other martial weapons, IMHO.

I don't think it ever gave a bonus to attack; I think it was always a penalty to attack a SECOND ADJACENT opponent in the same round. What I find hard to accept for a martial weapon is the ability to attack with a 10-foot reach and attack adjacent opponents with a reverse raking motion with 1d8/x3 crit. I get the impression a weapon like that should be exotic.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Amaril wrote:
Shade wrote:
I speak solely from personal opinion, but I think it is fine as a martial weapon in its current form. It used to give a bonus on an attack against an adjacent foe, while now it gives penalties. That should balance it out with other martial weapons, IMHO.
I don't think it ever gave a bonus to attack; I think it was always a penalty to attack a SECOND ADJACENT opponent in the same round. What I find hard to accept for a martial weapon is the ability to attack with a 10-foot reach and attack adjacent opponents with a reverse raking motion with 1d8/x3 crit. I get the impression a weapon like that should be exotic.

It looks like we accidentally put the Duom on the martial list. The Duom is an exotic weapon and should be treated as such...

Jason Bulmahn
Associate Editor of Dragon

Thanks, Jason! I appreciate your help!

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