Alchemists and alchemist fire delayed damage.

Rules Questions

Hellow everyone!

As allways, first thing first. Glad to be here again talking to you all, gentlemen, i hope we can all find an answer to this issue.

There's an alchemist in my group and we want to solve this as soon as possible just to play as we should in the new game we are starting.

I've been looking for an answer in the FAQ's of the advanced player's guide, sadly without success.

My question is simple.

Does an alchemist apply his INT bonus to the extra D6 that an alchemist fire do to a creature? I'm talking about the delayed damage, not about the initial damage.

My thoughts are like follows.

1- As stated in the rules, an alchemist applys his or her INT bonus to ANY splash weapon he's using. The delayed damage is a part of that splash weapon damage, so the bonus should be applied since its the weapon that deals that damage.

2- Every alchemist fire cost is about 15 gp, 4,95 gp if the alchemist craft it. If every shot that a player is going to do cost about 5 GP it seems fair enough for me that he can apply a bonus to all the damage that weapon do.

3- Delayed damage is not a consecuence of the weapon but an effect of the weapon itself. Its not like you push someone into a volcano and say you can apply your STR to the fire damage because you pushed him and the fire is a consecuence of your bull rush.

4- Nowhere the book (or at least i havent find) a rule that says that you cant apply your INT damage to the delayed damage, so going back to the gold rule, if the book dont say you cant do it, then you can.

Waiting for your thoughts!!!

Have a great day

Just refreshing to avoid the lost of the question in the deeps of the fórum.

int only on the first application of damage.

Chess Pwn wrote:
int only on the first application of damage.

Is...that a rule you can please quote to me? Or is it your oppinion as an experienced player/DM?

This is something we (my friend and me) would really find usefull to resolve before the first "eat this you besterd" alchemist fire throw.

Scarab Sages

INT is only added once to the damage done with splash weapons - so even if that weapon were to do 6d6 of damage it would only be 6d6+Int. (this is the rule in the Alchemist write-up).

Now, an Alchemist fire (which costs 20GP, {almost 7GP when crafted} something you got wrong in your OP) would do 1d6 Plus 1d6 the round after - in other words 2d6 spread over two rounds.... and an Alchemist would add in his INT bonus (for his Throw Anything Class feature) only once per splash weapon... so only with the first dice.

I guess you might have the damage added to the second dice - but then it wouldn't be added to the first... as it is added only once per weapon/target combination.

There is a Bomb Discovery that allows the INT to be added several times over a number of rounds....

Immolation Bomb*:
(Ultimate Combat): When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to have its substance coat the direct target’s body, causing the bomb to deal its damage over time instead of all at once. The bomb’s effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the number of damage dice the bomb would normally deal (for instance, a 5d6 bomb lasts for 5 rounds). When the bomb hits the direct target, the bomb deals 1d6 + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier in damage, and those within the splash zone take damage equal to 1 + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier. It repeats this damage against the direct target of the bomb each round the immolation bomb lasts, dealing the damage at the start of the alchemist’s turn. Splash damage is dealt again to any creature that is adjacent to the direct target when it takes damage from the immolation bomb. A creature taking damage from an immolation bomb’s direct hit can attempt to extinguish the flames as a full-round action that requires a Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level + the alchemist’s Intelligent modifier). Because of the alchemical nature of this bomb, rolling on the ground does not grant a bonus on the saving throw, and dousing a creature with water does not stop it from burning. These bombs can be used underwater. An alchemist must be at least 3rd level before selecting this discovery.

but that is a special case, with special rules and only applies to Bombs, not to all splash weapons.

Hope that helps! OH! and welcome to the Wonderful World of Alchemy!

The Toaster wrote:

INT is only added once to the damage done with splash weapons - so even if that weapon were to do 6d6 of damage it would only be 6d6+Int. (this is the rule in the Alchemist write-up).

Now, an Alchemist fire (which costs 20GP, {almost 7GP when crafted} something you got wrong in your OP) would do 1d6 Plus 1d6 the round after - in other words 2d6 spread over two rounds.... and an Alchemist would add in his INT bonus (for his Throw Anything Class feature) only once per splash weapon... so only with the first dice.

I guess you might have the damage added to the second dice - but then it wouldn't be added to the first... as it is added only once per weapon/target combination.

There is a Bomb Discovery that allows the INT to be added several times over a number of rounds....
** spoiler omitted **...

Now this is a solid, strong a pretty good answer. Thank you so much for the help, we really, really wanted to solve this issue!!!!

Also, thanks from my bud for the welcome!!!

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