Hard to apply everything in Dragon - Possible solution for Paizo

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

For a long time my biggest complaint is that when something amazingly cool comes out in Dragon Magazine, I will want to apply it to my game. However, anytime I want to make a new character I find it amazingly difficult to go back and re-read 100 issues of Dragon. Sometimes if I thought a feat wouldn't apply to me, I don't remember it at all.

What I've been suggesting is a pdf that includes all feats Dragon releases. If I remember correctly, that is impossible because Dragon content is not Open Source.

A solution would be to simply release a list of feats with a brief description (no details, just the gist) and an issue and page # reference. Then I could at least refer to that at character creation, and know where to look to see if it really is a good choice.

As it is, there are lots of good ideas in Dragon, but with all the other books and material I have, not much gets included.

As much as possible, the same could be done for spells, variant classes, and maybe other things.

If this has already been done, could someone send me a link. Maybe I just missed it.

The fact is, Dragon desperately needs an online index here at this website. As it stands, Dragon magazines are almost disposable because the good ideas are outweighed by the bad ideas/ bad execution/ bad fiction and the sheer difficulty in relocating the good stuff.

An index is desperately needed ASAP.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

We really, really want to have an online index of all our back issues, articles, features, and everything else. When we'll have the resources to devote to such a noble (and useful!) endeavour, is another question....

In the meantime, try the search box on the upper-left of every page. You might be surprised at what you can find.

There's also an excellent unofficial index called DragonDex:


Not assosiated with Paizo nor Wizards of the Coast, but I believe you will be as delighted as we are with the quality of the index.

Liberty's Edge

That's a nice little index. Kudos for having something like that available for mass access. However, it generally doesn't meet my needs. For instance, the spells section simply clumps all the spells together. It doesn't distinguish between bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, etc. spells. Since I began collection Dragon magazines a couple of years back, I've been keeping a detailed (if not cumbersome) index of materials that include minimal descriptions and, for spells, breakdowns for particular classes. (I designed the latter to be cut and paste for an addendum spell sheet even.) I would be more than happy to share what I have with people, but likely need Paizo's permission to do so. So, if anyone at Paizo is interested in seeing what I have so that I may share it with others, please let me know. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

Dungeon & Dragon magazines both have a lot of dedicated fans who appear to be willing to volunteer their efforts on behalf of the gaming community.

Although there is a need for paid professionals, what can those of us in the general public do to help? One of the most significant obstacles is a thorough understanding of copyright law. Is there any process by which I (or a small group of similarly dedicated fans) attempt such a thing and submit it to Paizo for possible distribution?

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