Zenith Trajectory Map Issue

Shackled City Adventure Path

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So, I have a problem with the Zenith Trajectory map. I can't seem to figure out how the players can get to Zenith's room. There are no stairs going there that I can see, and the upper level of the Sea Mother's Shrine is split into three parts. Now, they could try to jump across the 10' gap, but I don't see Zenith doing so.

Any help? ASAP--starting to run tonight in about 1 hour.

Dang, wish I could have gotten this to you sooner. I don't have the map in front of me.

As I recall, the upper level has stairs coming up in the lower portions, leading to either side of the southern-most room of the top level. These stairs come up from either side of the mid-level guard stations.

That's the best I can remember...alas, I don't have it in front of me.

Looking at the map, you seem to have a point. I'll just remove the gaps, make it one solid balcony.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

They'd actually already seen the balcony, so no good removing the gaps.

I decided to place a secret tunnel between the eye-spots and the inner chambers, but it turned out to be not neccessary after all. Aushanna made short work of the group, save for one who ran away (and managed to remove Zenith by himself after she left). But thanks for the help.

Liberty's Edge

I had two drawbridges situated next to the gaps. The levers to put them down I placed in the walls on the side of the stairs leading up to the gap-part of 5A.

On page 51 in the last two paragraphs you can read:
"If the characters head up to the upper balconies (...) two soldiers move to the platform in the center of the south wall, then untie the suspension bridges to the left and right of the door, which takes a full-round action".

I figured that the fight here was almost to hard for my group, and so I just placed thos bridges there with the levers on the stairs side!
However, if your players have allready seen the balcony, just make it an invisible bridge...

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