7 Deadly Domains

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Has anyone incorporated the 7 Deadly Domains from Issue 323?

What campaign world was it used in?

What characters used the domains? NPCs or PCs?

Which of the 7 were used?

Overall, what was your experience?

I used them in my campaign... sort of.

I've got a custom built campagin - all custom made gods
and everything. I liked the domain ideas, but didn't want
to suddenly give my evil deities new domains.

I ended up making a set of objects
The Seven Masks of Nyddealis (annagram of deadly sin)

Each mask took up the slot normally reserved for the
eyes and would bestow the domain power on the wearer.

In addition, if the wearer could cast divine spells
(ranger, druid, cleric, or paladin) the appropriate
spells were added to the character's spell list.
They were not bonus spells per day, and would have to
be prepared and cast normally.

I toyed with the idea of allowing clerics to gain the
domain as an added domain while the mask was being worn.
But I never followed through with that.

As a side effect, repeated use of the domain power
by any character would eventually move the character's
alignment one step toward evil.
(3 uses would move them one step, 6 would move them 2 steps
and after 10 uses nothing short of a wish would restore
the character's alignment to normal)

Troy Taylor wrote:

Has anyone incorporated the 7 Deadly Domains from Issue 323?

What campaign world was it used in?

What characters used the domains? NPCs or PCs?

Which of the 7 were used?

Overall, what was your experience?

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