We Demand Demodands!

Shackled City Adventure Path

Hello fellow shackled ones!

I'm looking for info on the Demodands. I notice Wizards loves to make adventures where you have to own the accessory books to run things. After 12 issues you think they'd have the heart to make a web enhancement with all the demodand's on them, considering they appear so much and there were those great web enhancements for the first two adventures.
Anyway, that's what I'm looking for. The Demodands info.
Can anyone help out here? I would like to read not only the "bare bones stats" info but more on who the demodands are and what they're particular take on evil is.
We all know a lot about the devils and demons, but the demodands motives are not as clear. Plus I don't know squat about the shator.
How about the powers that be? Guys?

Open request to Dungeon's editors: Any chance you could help those of us who don't own fiend folio out here? I mean, It's not like we didn't spend a lot of money buying these many copies of dungeon, and i'd really hate to replace them with the standard hooligans of hell.
So anyone who agrees please forward this motion with emotion, and put your name at the bottom of this thread.
At ease!

(I mean, Cheers)

I would really like to see some miniature demodands.

I see both sides to this coin.

First I can understand not wanting to have things drawn out of other source material so that if you don't have the 'fiend folio' (example) you aren't at a loss. However Dungeon generaly does a good job of giving all the info needed (dry bones) for the used source material. I also agree with the lack of web enhancements later in the AP, but that discusion has been handled in other threads.

On the other side however one could get upset if Dungeon never used source material. Most Dundeon subscribers buy for adventures to run due to not haveing enough time to create thier own. If I buy Dungeon so I don't have to make adventures and buy any source material than I've wated money. I either can't use the source material or the adventures. I believe Dungeon does a good job of including material from alternate sources providind enough info for those w/o the book, but allowing us with the book satisfaction in useing the material.

Lastly the ff says little about demodands other than they were exciled from another plane long ago for some transgression, are the self appointed keepers of Carcie, are as much prisoners as keepers, anyone encountered are considered prisoners, and only leave the plane to get excaped prisoners or to 'recrute' more.

Thanks Rikkus,

I agree they do a pretty fine job, or else I wouldn't have bought so many of their issues over the years. And in retrospect, my post was of course partially fueled on the desire to have those stats that are not available to me.
But i think it's strange how the Farastu and Kelubar stats are in there, but there's nothing about the Shator...
Let me be clear though, I think it's great and I WANT dungeon to have material from other sourses, especially with all the info the players usually get their grubby hands on regarding the core MM.
I just think there's gotta be someone else out there who agrees that all non-core book material should be available either in the mag or as a web enhancement at the least (just check out my second to last post in the next AP thread and you'll see what I really feel about it.)


One of the key drawbacks in writing adventures for Dungeon is the constant choice that the writers and editors have to make. We have a ton of monsters at our disposal, but we can't expect every reader to have every book. Sometimes when a new book comes out, we run adventures that use creatures from that book to show off what one of those new monsters can do. Other times, we replace a lesser known creature from a more obscure book with a better known one from the MM or MMII.

It's all a balancing act to give people adventures that use creatures from books they have, whether that is the MM or the Fiend Folio.

Sean Glenn
Art Director Dragon and Dungeon magazines

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