Epic Levels

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I am what many would consider a newbie to DnD, I am 19 and have played DnD for about 4 years. I collect and read DnD books for pure enjoyment. While most people are looking for new ideas from these books to use in their next campaign, I read these books to take away the boredom of my college courses. There have been many amazing and exhilarating books but for me the most interesting had to be the Epic Level Handbook. There has been very little information written after the publication of the Epic Level Handbook that dealt with characters past level 20. There is a plethora of ideas that could be made in to a book or many books; epic creatures, epic magic, epic prestige classes, or epic character classes would all make great topics. I understand that there may not be a wide audience for these topics and/or it may be very hard to play DnD at these high levels due to large dice rolls and massive calculations but I would love to see another book on epic concepts.

So many of us would love an Epic Level Handbook. Please give us a new one like it was former on D&D ... the Mystic Path is not realy working for the community ...

when can we expect such a book ?

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Whoa... We have a WINNER, people!!!

TWELVE YEARS for a thread necromancy!!!

Nothing else comes close...

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

And not just a 12 year necro, but of a thread with a single unanswered post. I don't know that it's even theoretically possible to top the elegance in play here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Umm, happy 31st birthday Matt!

Noteworthy also that Matthew only wrote this single post. Again, this is sublime.

I can't clap slow enough.

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