Bug Reporting....

Website Feedback

I'll take once as a glitch, but twice looks like a bug.

I've made two tries this afternoon at posting to the "What I'm Watching" thread in the AMAZING Television area, and in both cases, after clicking the Submit Post button, two things happened. One, I got kicked all the way out to the main Paizo page, and two, neither message actually showed up on the board so far as I can tell. (I note that Jenny Scott's attempt at a post in that thread seems to be a blank message, which might or might not be connected.)

I'm using a reasonably up-to-date IE6 setup, and have tried refereshing the pages to ensure that I'm not experiencing a cached-page problem. No luck.

Ergo, I sense a bug, but whether it's the thread or my system we won't know till I try to post this....

John C. Bunnell (reviewer) wrote:

I'll take once as a glitch, but twice looks like a bug.

I've made two tries this afternoon at posting to the "What I'm Watching" thread in the AMAZING Television area, and in both cases, after clicking the Submit Post button, two things happened. One, I got kicked all the way out to the main Paizo page, and two, neither message actually showed up on the board so far as I can tell.

Thanks for the heads-up, John.

I believe this bug has now been squashed. Until I rolled a bug-fix a few minutes ago, any post not submitted in under 5 minutes was lost. That limitation no longer exists.

- Rob

Robert Head wrote:

Thanks for the heads-up, John.

I believe this bug has now been squashed.

No such luck; the thread itself seems to be broken. Tried to post twice more this morning -- on the first try, the same error occurred as happened previously; on the second, clicking Add a New Post knocked me out to the main Paizo page without even giving me a post-window screen first.

edited to add:

Huh. And now the darn thing works -- or at least did when I hit "Reply" rather than "Add a New Post". Hmmm.

same bug here (on the adventure path thread). Only in my case, I got an empty post for my trouble.


We believe we have fixed this bug as of about 30 minutes ago. Please let us know if these problems continue to persist.

- Rob

I noticed that the pop-ups that excerpt the first line or so of an entry don't use BBCode but still show the tags.

Robert Head wrote:

We believe we have fixed this bug as of about 30 minutes ago. Please let us know if these problems continue to persist.

- Rob

Last week, I tried to post a message in the Books board on the main site, and was booted out to the main page when I hit "Preview". Today, I signed in and responded in the Dungeon / Maure Castle thread and the same thing happened. The first response was a long one. The second was only a few minutes. Neither was posted or able to be recovered by hitting the Back button. I believe the system logged me out.

Asberdies Lives wrote:
Today, I signed in and responded in the Dungeon / Maure Castle thread and the same thing happened. The first response was a long one. The second was only a few minutes. Neither was posted or able to be recovered by hitting the Back button. I believe the system logged me out.

D'oh! We'll look into it...

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