0one's Blueprints: The Great City—Dock Ward PDF

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The Dock Ward extends into the southwest side of the Great City. This shady ward features many small alleys and streets that eventually end down at the docks. The docks are the trade link of the city; here there is always bustling activity as ships come and go every hour of every day and night. Here, of course, many illegal activities are hidden, and shady individuals move in and out of the salty-smelling alleys and taverns of the Dock Ward. Numerous taverns and inns are placed on the very front ends of the buildings, facing the great harbor of the city. Diving into the back alleys, you can find even more entertaining places, such as houses of pleasure, gambling houses and so on. This blueprint features six of these buildings.

Lighthouse: Two of these lighthouses flank the entrance to the Great City harbor. These tall structures call attention to the entrance of the harbor at night and during the stormy weather days. A single guardian takes care of each building, feeding the fire of beacon lantern on top of the building. The lighthouse features a wood storage area that is loaded every day by local woodcutters. An elevator lifts the wood up to the beacon lantern.

The Golden Eel Inn: This is the best Inn of the Dock Ward. The inn features a large reception hall, a restaurant (which is frequented even by those who are not guests of the inn) and a small parlor. The first floor features guests' bedrooms and a private meeting room for wealthy patrons. (The Golden Eel Inn is detailed more thoroughly in 0one's Blueprints Backdrops: The Golden Eel Inn.)

Warehouses: This set of buildings houses three distinct warehouses. The first one functions as boat storage; the fishermen of the harbor pay a small fee to keep their boats here. The second one is a warehouse for salted herring. The third houses tools of the trade for mariners and fishermen.

Djanna, House of Pleasure: This is a well-known house of pleasure in the Dock Ward. The house features a large foyer and private parlors where guests can entertain and talk. Often these places become secret meeting places for most of the organized criminals of the city. On the first floor there are many large bedrooms as well as storerooms.

Dock: This is a typical pier of the Great City. Different types of ships usually crowd the water near the pier: drifters, rowboats, fishing boats and merchant ships.

The Shy Mermaid Tavern: This tavern is located in the north end of the harbor. The tavern is the favorite meeting place for those who conduct shady activities. The tavern has a private meeting room and a back courtyard with stables where not-so-legal goods are delivered during the night and exchanged by these outlaws.

The Great City is a series of seven linked products that explore a whole fantasy city. The first PDF provides a map of the entire city; the other six products each detail one city district with the floorplans of its major buildings. Each of the products can easily be used as standalone product.

The Blueprints product line offers you old-fashioned blueprint-style maps for your adventures and campaigns. Each map includes a blueprint version and a standard black-and-white version. The maps are all vector-based for maximum print resolution. Despite their old-fashioned appearance, each map offers a degree of customization by taking full advantage of pdf technology. A small control bar (which will not be printed) on each map allows you to turn the grid on and off, eliminate the room numbers, fill the walls, or hide doors and furniture.

Each product features a classic fantasy adventure location: a dungeon, a keep, a temple complex, a thieves' guild and so on. You can use these maps as reference to build your own adventures or simply have them at hand in case your players go in an unexpected direction during the campaign.

While offering you the best quality, these products are really inexpensive.

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An RPG Resource Review


The first product, The Great City, provided detailed maps of the whole city and the six wards that go to make it up. Here, we have detailed plans of six locations in one of the wards, the Dock Ward. If you are using the Great City itself, it provides added detail when your characters decide to go visit this area: if not, they are still 6 interesting locations that you can use somewhere else!

The locations herein are all fairly typical of a dockside area. There's a couple of inns (one quite nice and one of the sort where shady deals go on in the backyard), a lighthouse, a warehouse complex, part of the dockside itself and an, erm, 'house of pleasure.' Each comes with a complete floorplan of all levels and the usual technical twiddles - grid lines and furniture which can be made to appear or disappear by setting various checkboxes, plus an index sheet on which you can add your own notes about the place in question.

Naturally, all of these locations exist on the area maps in The Great City book, so you can cross-relate them if you are using it. Still, they are quite nice, detailed buildings in their own right - the dockside in particular is very well done, with moored boats and all the junk that tends to be found on quaysides. The warehouses are a bit odd - one is used as a 'boat garage' according to the notes and appears to be full of small rowing boats, while the other two look more like storage sheds than proper working warehouses of the sort I'd expect to find on a dockside.

Overall, presented to 0one's usual high standard and with plenty of potential to be very usful to the DM who needs a 'place' but doesn't have the time or inclination to map it out for himself. In conjunction with the rest of the Great City series, you're going to have a ready-made place to adventure in, with loads of detail right down to the lowest level.

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