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When lost in the Dungeon World, move to the Rite path!

Love the old feel, new rules of the award-winning Dungeon World, but reached the end of the book? Need a break from your long campaign with a one-shot but don't want to give up the themes and character classes you love? Dungeon World Missing Paths adapts and reimagines your favorite classic and modern fantasy archetypes into the high-speed rules-lite Dungeon World system as a series of playbooks: standalone character classes streamlined enough that the entire class and its progression can fit on the character sheet.

They said you had no talent for wizardry, no faith for priesthood. Let them hoard their secrets and pray to their gods; they understand neither. They call you "alchemist," like the charlatans who swindle kings. You are a natural philosopher. You have a higher calling.

You take apart the world to see how it works, with flask and scalpel and mind. Modify, improve, discover. How many metals and salts and substances of all sorts remain unknown or lost to the world As many as there are stars in the sky. Even mortality itself is but a problem that can be understood and conquered. You will descend to the depths, and rip Truth from the womb of the world. You are the Alchemist!

Pages: 8
Author: Alex Putnam
Cover Illustration: Eva Marie Toker

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