Treasure Trove #1: SpirosBlaak Arsenal (d20) PDF
Misfit Studios
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Are your characters still stuck bringing swords to gunfights?
This book expands upon the black powder weapons and rules found in the
core setting book SpirosBlaak. Among other things, this book
- Over 20 new feats involving black powder-level technology
Rules for using black powder weapons
- Over 50 black powder firearms and lots of cannons, medieval mortars,
rockets, organ guns and more
- Black powder-related magical items and new magical item weapon
- The technologist core class, and the artillery adept, grenadier,
marksman and pistoleer PrCs
- At no additional cost, the short story "Blood of the Clan" that was cut
from the original book because of space considerations.
- ... and plenty more
Author: Steven Trustrum and others
SpirosBlaak: Creatures of the Archduchy (d20) PDF
Misfit Studios
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SpirosBlaak is a dynamic setting of troubled times, hazardous
politics, deadly black powder weapons and rampaging lycanthropes. Well, the
Archduchy just got a whole lot more dangerous with the release of
SpirosBlaak: Creatures of the Archduchy. Within this work you'll find
15 new creatures and 2 non-player characters, including:
- Creature statistics for the new races introduced in the core setting
book: the Arkanoclian Dwarf, Bakad Goblin, Voesti
Goblin, Witch Hill Goblin, Half-Ogre, Iguanalon,
Lavayne, and Mentor.
- The Armageddon Dragon Template. These dragons have been
transformed into servants of pure chaos, to what ends remains unknown.
- The Armageddon Giant Template. Much like the Armageddon
these gians have been transformed into servants of chaos.
- The Chosen of Jestale Template. These zealous servants of the
Rotting Lord walk the land, spreading disease wherever they roam.
- The Dungeon Warden. An unusual construct that uses a dwelling or
dungeon as its body, assuming complete control over its environment as the
ultimate impediment to thieves and adventurers.
- The Corruption Elemental. Found in the lands that have fallen to
the inexplicable corruption that continues to despoil the Archduchy, these
creatures exist only to increase the spread and infect living creatures with
its foulness.
- The Warder Golem. The massive, homicidal roaming golems for
the Warder Hills take their name.
- The Merithian Mummy Template. Servants of the lost machine god
the ancient and long fallen civilization of Merithian, these powerful undead
are as much machine as they are decayed flesh.
- The Gunman NPC. The most wanted man in the entire Archduchy,
incomparable and mysterious pistoleer wanders the land, shrouded in
bandages. He rights what he sees as wrong, no matter what the law says to
the contrary.
- Kushpan Pal, an evil paladin, one of the Archduchy's more
dangerous independent lycanthropes. This werewolf warlord frequently
conducts raids upon his mount, Skullstomper.
This product contains a SpirosBlaak short story, The
Gunman, at no cost.
SpirosBlaak: Creatures of the Archduchy is fully bookmarked and
includes two versions: a landscape display version and a printer friendly
portrait version.
Author: Steven Trustrum
Cover: Nathan Rosario & Steven Trustrum
Interior Illustration: Nathan Rosario, Phil Longemeier
Although designed for use in the SpirosBlaak setting published by
Green Ronin and supported by Misfit Studios, the creatures
within this work can be adapted to any setting, with a little work.
SpirosBlaak (d20) PDF
Misfit Studios
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SpirosBlaak, one of Green Ronin's critically acclaimed Mythic
Vistas line, presents a complete archduchy that can be used as a stand-alone
campaign setting or integrated into an existing world. With the gods fallen,
it is up to the Player Characters to bring light and hope back into an
archduchy overrun with lycanthropes. In addition to detailing this grim and
gritty setting, SpirosBlaak includes black powder rules, new core and
prestige classes, and a plethora of new gods. When the moon is full, will
you lock your door and hide or draw your sword and fight?
Inside you'll find:
- A detailed setting with a rich history, full of political, physical and
spiritual conflict.
- New gods, skills and feats, including specialized feats for improving
lycanthropes, one of the setting's key races.
- 9 new monsters, along with 4 new kinds of lycanthrope.
- 13 new races, including technological goblins, hulking half-ogres, and
shapeshifting lycanthropes.
- Notes on adapting the core classes to the setting, including rules on a
new approach to paladins.
- 4 new core classes: the noble, pirate, prophet and technologist.
- 9 new prestige classes, including the marksman, pistoleer and kav
(lycanthrope) slayer.
- Detailed rules for black powder weapons, including pistols, muskets,
cannons and grenades.
- A bounty of new spells and cleric domains.
- A detailed glossary.
This fully bookmarked PDF also has a hyperlinked table of contents.
Of interest to other publishers will be the fact that all 12 chapters of
SpirosBlaak are entirely Open Game Content, including proper names!
That's right, this means other publishers are free to develop products for
SpirosBlaak. If you are a publisher interested in joining the
SpirosBlaak Development Community, contact Steven Trustrum and see
if joining the small group of publishers working together to take this
setting forward is right for you.
Author: Steven Trustrum with Christina Stiles and others
This PDF is sold under agreement with Green Ronin Publishing.