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A Level 4 Adventure

A castle composed of darkness and shadow stuff has materialized at the edge of the duchy of Arnatha. Humanoid forms, cloaked in gray and darkness and wielding slender swords, emerge from the castle to conquer the surrounding farmsteads. Finishing moves, mooks, phat lewt, movie rights, and the Big Badass return in this edgy new Wicked Fantasy Factory adventure!

Rules Set: 4E
Writer: Luke Johnson
Cover Art: Octographics.net
Graphic Design: Ed Wedig
48 pages

Product Availability

Fulfilled immediately.

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Does anyone know the recommended character levels for this adventure? Additionally, does anyone know how the Wicked Fantasy Factory line of modules differs from Dungeon Crawl Classics? Thanks, y'all!

SelfishHedonist wrote:
Does anyone know the recommended character levels for this adventure?

After enlarging the image of the module's cover, I just noticed it's a level 4 adventure.

Scarab Sages

Why not get a OGL one and see?

They are cheap as chips in the Golem Sale section.

SelfishHedonist wrote:
Does anyone know the recommended character levels for this adventure? Additionally, does anyone know how the Wicked Fantasy Factory line of modules differs from Dungeon Crawl Classics? Thanks, y'all!

I ran a couple of these wicked adventures for 3.5 awhile back, I really liked them. I particularly liked "Against the iron giant", I think that was the name.

As for what is the difference between these and the classics. The classics had more of a 1E feel to me. Simply break down the dungeon door and wander from room to room fighting monsters and getting treasure. The wicked line is kind of like that, at least the ones I ran, but with a modern feel to it. The Iron giant for example was a big robot/construct fortress with laser beams for traps, not at all what one would expect to find in a dungeon crawl classic, which I love by the way.

Hope this helps, I don't think I described it as well as I could have but I just woke up!

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