Wrath of the Righteous

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The Worldwound Incursion (GM Reference)

Sword of Valor (GM Reference)

City of Locusts (GM Reference)

Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth (GM Reference)

Wrath of the Righteous statblocks document

The Midnight Isles (GM Reference)

Demon's Heresy (GM Reference)

A New Ascension: Wrath of the Righteous 2e Conversion Guide

re: My Wrath Playthrough

Narrative prologues / cut scenes

Book 5: Discussion on Iomedae [SPOILERS AHOY!]

Nocticula’s Boon — the Good, the Bad, and the Repercussions (a PF1e discussion)

Lessons Learned from a Non-Mythic Game (spoilers obviously)

Wrath of the Righteous - full playthrough summary

WOTR House Rules - Stip Campaign

Spicing up Battlebliss (Spoilers)

Deskari and the Mythic Subtype

Advice requested. Running 1st ed wrath of righteous campaing

Making other items / weapons like Radiance

Radiance stats

WotR obituaries--mythic heros brought low

Taking control of the prison

Do you think any of the adventurers in this AP got a good ending? Spoilers

Would this AP actually benefit from coversion to PF 2nd?

HI-Res VTT Maps for Foundry VTT - Volume 1

PF2 reprint of this AP?

Keeping track of time in-game (SPOILERS)

Is there no staff of the magi, staff of power or staff of eldritch sovereignity in this AP

Optional encounter "YOU DARED SUMMON ME?"

Rebuilt Citadel Drezen Map

Seeking Advice for My First Wrath of the Righteous Playthrough

(Spoilers) Profane Ascension - Now What?

Soundtracking Wrath of the Righteous

Question about using a mechanic from the video game

Player review: Books 1-3 finished, obvious spoilers

Introducing Nurah, Aron and Sosiel when the party is putting off meeting Queen Galfrey

Terendelev's Scales caster level

An interesting semi-cursed item we came up with, ideally discovered in Act 3.

Does a paladin with Radiance need to choose the Legendary item mythic ability?

Custom Maps for Books 3-6

touched by divinity pei zin practitioner oracle

My dinner with Areelu Vorlesh

dawnflower's kiss as legendary item?

Staunton Vhane's Journal / Revised Arueshalae prayer

Book 5- Meeting a God and other changes

Book 3 Custom Character Mythic Trial

How high are the district walls in Kenabres? Or at least the wall around the Old city

Wrath of the Righteous GMs - Discord

What are the best mythic abilities to pick (SPOILERS)?

The Nahyndrian elixir and the Purity Forge...

Are my players screwed (no cleric)

wotr cleric build help

Planning out a character - In what order do you reach Mythic 10?

Was Irabeth intended to be a reference to Aribeth from Neverwinter Nights

Wrath of the Righteous with an Evil character?

How to make Iomedae more sympathetic.

Favorite chapter?

What do the Abyssal realms "feel" like?

Ssyvan's WotR Campaign Journal

NobodysHome's Wrath of the Righteous Campaign [Spoilers]

Janemaine's Suggestion

Radiance sword (possible spoiler)

How Did your WotR End? (Spoilers)

Anyone have the characters attack Nocticula?

Nocticula in Part 4 "Midnight Isles" (possible spoilers)

Jeslyn question (book 1 spoilers)

need (sort of) Wrath of the Righteous advice / contains Spoilers

Aravashnial question (spoilers, probably)

How did you RP Horgus Gwerm (minor spoilers)?

What to do about Mythic. Advice Requested. Spoilers, obviously.

[Book 5 Spoilers] PC wants to soul trap Baphomet? Need advice

Planned changes to WotR (Spoilers, Obviously)

Wrath of the Righteous VTT

Questions about Irabeth & Anevia's Past [Spoilers] Whole post is spoiler taged

Fantasy Grounds Support?

We Be Dwarves...


Thinking of running it

Am I proficient in Radiance in the shape of Bite?

Confused about the Odeenka encounter (spoilers)

Loving Arueshalae

CRPG Kickstarter Announced... New Version?

Titania's Wrath of the Righteous Campaign [Spoilers]

Replacing Part 1 & 2 of The Worldwound Incursion (WotR Book 1)

Videogame adaptation announced!

Running a Court Martial

missing maps?

Lowering the Mythic Level of the PCs

Seige, er, Size of Drezen

Areelu Vorlesh ...

Fleshing out Kenabres - Pre-WotR Adventures

Ways to spice things up for the GM? (Book 4 onward)

Will this character concept be disastrous?

Divine Source Enhancement Bonus Stacking

How was Arueshalae constructed?

Foreshadowing Giantslayer, Kingmaker, & WotR in IFI

Help with character selection / Party comp

Advice on Party Composition

Addressing balance issues from the start

Legendary Items

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