The Cthulhu Alphabet PDF

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The Cthulhu Alphabet is a prolifically illustrated tabletop RPG supplement. It is a collection of random tables to boost any role-playing game, structured on an abecedarian theme. Whether players are navigating an uncaring universe, a haunted setting, or a horror-filled dungeon, this book provides new ideas for characters and adventures. Especially made for the Game Master who has scenarios set in the Cthulhu Mythos—or any fantasy-horror world. Every page bursts with energy and inspiration, whether players roll randomly or follow the tables in order.

The Cthulhu Alphabet follows the format first popularized by Goodman Games in The Dungeon Alphabet. The entries are in alphabetical order, and pertain to an aspect of the Cthulhu mythos. Each entry has a mix of inspirational text and one or more random tables.

Looking to make the next monster encounter more interesting? Try rolling on S is for Serpentfolk, Z is for Zombies, or D is for Deep Ones.

Creating a mythos-styled location for your next scenario? Try rolling on K is for Kingsport or M is for Miskatonic University.

Figuring out the antediluvian horror central to your next plot? Try rolling on O is for Outer Gods, U is for Unnamable, or E is for Elder Thing.

Building out the dark history of a lost book, mysterious grandfather, or odd old house? Try rolling on L is for Legacy, M is for Madness, B is for Books, or J is for Journal.

Tweaking the nuances of a historically accurate literary adventure but need a little bit of inspiration or added mystery? Roll on V is for Voorish Sign, P is for Pnakotic, U is for Ubbo-Sathla, H is for Hastur, or I is for Ithaqua.

Just need something gross for the characters to fight? Look up C is for Cultists, T is for Tentacles, or S is for Shoggoth.

The Cthulhu Alphabet is systems-neutral and will work with any rules set: 5E, DCC RPG, or any other favorite system.

Writers: Michael Curtis, Jon Hook, Rick Maffei, and Brad McDevitt
Introduction: Sandy Petersen
Foreword: Brad McDevitt
Additional Material: Brian Courtemanche, Mike Ferguson, and Brendan LaSalle
Cover Artist: Erol Otus
Interior Artists: Brad McDevitt, Stefan Poag, Peter Mullen, Doug Kovacs, Russ Nicholson, William McAusland, Jesse Mohn, Cliff Kurowski, Tom Galambos, and Chris Arneson

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