Random Esoteric Creature Generator for Classic Fantasy Role-Playing Games and their Modern Simulacra PDF

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Looking to instill a little fear in your game? Then look no further!

Nothing brings the thrill—and terror—of discovery to a game like new monsters. Faced with the unknown, mighty-thewed heroes tremble in their hauberks, wizened wizards fumble with their spell books, and even the most audacious of rogues hesitate before plunging into battle.
Never again worry that your players have memorized every monster’s stat, power, and weakness. Never again resort to tired fantasy clichés, and worn out monsters fought a thousand times before. The Random Esoteric Creature Generator ensures that each monster your PCs cross is unique, unexpected, and best of all—unknown. With an unlimited number of horrific combinations, this is the last monster book you will ever need.

Bring terror back to the table with the Random Esoteric Creature Generator!

Writer: James Edward Raggi IV
Developer: Harley Stroh
Cover Art: Doug Kovacs
Graphic Designer: Peter Bradley
Editor: Ken Hart

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