StSword |
Is there an archetype that converts wizard to spontaneous casting?
The prodigy wizard casts and prepares like an Arcanist- they can prepare a certain number of spells, but they can cast those spells as long as they have spell slots left instead of firing and forgetting.
Is that close enough?
Canadian Bakka |
I know it is a long, long shot here, but could the designers/developers of Legendary Wizards chime in with how they would adjust the Wushen archetype (from Asian Archetypes - Magical) to the Legendary Wizard class?
Notably, it is the ki Caster class feature of the Wushen archetype that is a bit harder to decide what it takes away from the Legendary Wizard class. The class feature replaces the Scribe Scroll and Bonus Feat from the Core Wizard. Problem is that the Legendary Wizard doesn't have the original Bonus Feat class feature but instead broke it up into two separate class features: Arcane Discovery and Educated Metamagic.
Although Bonded Object is still part of the Legendary Wizard's class features, Fetish Spells (which replaces the Core Wizard's Bonded Object) as described might not be sufficient to warrant the replacement of Bonded Object.
Any constructive ideas/feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Canadian Bakka |
I decided (as a GM for my players) that the ki Caster class feature of the Wushen archetype (from Asian Archetypes - Magical) will replace the Legendary Wizard's Scribe Scroll bonus feat, Bonded Advancement, and Bonded Union class features.
What I had previously forgotten was that the Legendary Wizard's arcane school was better than the Core Wizard's arcane school (which alleviates my concern about Fetish Spells not be sufficient to warrant the replacement of Bonded Object.