Legendary Clerics is the latest volume in our new series of class-focused player supplements for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, this time raising high the sacred banner of the cleric class! This book brings a completely redesigned cleric class built around their faith and blessings, with integrated domains and doctrines that grow as their faith and power does. Domains have been redesigned to incorporate the vast diversity of spells available beyond the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, with expanded domain powers and alternate doctrines for 30 domains, like Doctrines of Friendship and Enthrallment for the Charm Domain, Fortune and Misfortune for Luck, and Domestication and the Wild for Animals! Plus you'll find nearly a dozen archetypes like the prophet and planar envoy and even more new spells, feats, alternate class features, favored class bonuses, and more! Plus to cap it all off, we bring you Ishmael Bremen, a ready-to-use with a detailed history, personality, and powers ready to show off what the legendary cleric can do!
Whether you call down the fires of heaven or raise up the powers of hell to unleash divine power upon the world, you'll find a ton of terrific options for your cleric in this book. Check out this 60-page Pathfinder Roleplaying Game supplement by Matt Daley and Nathan Reinecke today and Make Your Game Legendary!
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Jason Nelson
Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games
Woohoo, glad to see this one live at last!
Jason Nelson
Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games
1 person marked this as a favorite.
PS - If you were wondering how good this book is, check out the kind words from our Discord channel:
RhetoricalYesterday at 3:41 PM
Hey! Sorry if this isn't the appropriate place for this, but I wanted to comment....just in case the awesome people who wrote Legendary Clerics are looking.... that your work is fantastic!! Completely fixed my problems I had with the vanilla cleric class to the point I'm switching to running Legendary Cleric as the default for my 1e games :slight_smile: Thanks again!
Hi Legendary Folks, I just started to code this for Hero Lab Classic and noticed that there are a few domains conspicuously missing: All four alignment-axis domains, plus the Liberation, Madness and Weather domains. Two new domains seem to have been added: Freedom (which used to be a sub-domain of Liberation) and Life (which seems to be an ad-hoc addition.
Designer questions:
1. Were the changes purposeful? If so, what was the thinking behind the additions and deletions?
2. For clerics of PF Core deities, if your god's domain was deleted, are there suggested substitutions for the deleted domains? Which deities should get the Freedom and Life domains?