Ancestral Options - Dwarves (PF2E) PDF

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The Power to Move Mountains!

In the Pathfinder Second Edition roleplaying game, a character's ancestry matters more than ever before. Instead of picking a race and sticking with it, players are encouraged to customize the benefits a character gains from their lineage, with a wide assortment of ancestry feats gained at various levels. While the Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook presents plenty of great options for each of these ancestries, the focus on customization means that there's always room for new and exciting ways to bring your ancestry to the fore.

This book focuses on providing new ancestry-related options for dwarf characters. They're short, stout, and gruff, but that doesn't mean they aren't one of the most beloved and iconic fantasy races. Get ready to swing your hammer, quaff some ale, and grow a glorious beard, because in this book, you'll find:

  • 5 new dwarf heritages, including the Dour Dwarf, and Duergar-Descended.
  • 12 new ancestry feats for dwarves, ranging from 1st through 13th level, including Grudge Bearer, Dwarven Shield Training, Duergar Growth, and more!
  • A new archetype for dwarf characters, the beard lord, for dwarves of any gender who grow beards so luxurious and magnificent that they can be used to braid ropes, hold creatures and objects, and even save your neck from an untimely beheading!

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