Infinite Space: The Origin of Character (SFRPG) PDFLouis Porter Jr. DesignMany factors and elements influence who you were growing up and who you eventually became. Of these factors, your homeworld or place of origin holds considerable importance in your development as an individual; a childhood spent in a crowded city of 100 million people molds you far differently than if you had spent your formative years on a starship or a frontier world. The character theme you choose during character creation, such as ace pilot or mercenary, describes your development upon reaching adulthood. What about your life before that point? How did it shape your personality and talents? This sourcebook contains: - Twelve origin traits for you to choose from to help describe your character’s birth place, home world, or other form of upbringing including Belter, Conscript, Experiment, Hunted, Megalopolis and Scavenger. Product Availability
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