Infinite Space: Forbidden Weapons & Experimental Arms (SFRPG) PDF

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Adventurers have access to a vast arsenal of laser rifles, plasma blasters, shock weapons, and countless other weapons. Even with such impressive variety, however, there are times when characters need something special, exotic, or downright terrifying to overcome their foes. Thanks to the mingling of magic with advanced technology, the arms dealers of the galaxy offer a number of new weapons for sale to those with sufficient credits. The weapons described here offer new options to adventurers. In some cases, these military-grade arms remain outlawed and thus unavailable to civilians. Other of these weapons might be considered experimental and thus rare. In either case, the GM has final say as to when and which of these weapons are available for purchase.

This sourcebook contains:
- Weapon Special Properties: Nullifying and Static
- EMP Weapons: EMP Pistol and EMP Rifle
- Enervating Weapons: Enervating Pistol and, Enervating Rifle
- Grenades: Jammer Grenade and T-Scrambler Grenade
- Projectile Weapons: Boneshard Weapons, Burrower Weapons and Chakram Weapons

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