Art of War: Youxia (PFRPG) PDF

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For ten years I have been polishing this sword;Its frosty edge has never been put to the test.Now I am holding it and showing it to you, sir:Is there anyone suffering from injustice?~ The Swordsman by Jia Dao.

Those who travel across the land to right the wrongs done to the common people are the wondering force known as youxia. Youxia hail from all backgrounds of social class that birth those that value freedom to roam the land helping those in need. Sometimes called Flowering Knights or knights-errant they look to blend martial arts with weapon mastery as they crusade for noble clauses.

This isn’t to say that they swing first and discuss later, youxia are wise enough to know when to hold back and when to take action. Much like monks they search for an inner focus to channel their ki and perform spectacular displays of physical and mental prowess. They are a balance of yang and yin in an effort of self sacrifice for a greater good, however some do so while seeking fame and glory. Wandering swordsman and women looking to make the world a better place through action instead of passive behavior, is the youxia. 

 The youxia is a hybrid class of Fighter (Samurai) / Unchained Monk

This book contains:

  • 8 Pages of youxia goodness.
  • A new skill: Meditation; alternate rules for Ki Focus, 5 new Feats
  • 7 Pages of Style feats that build upon Crane Style, Scorpion, and Tiger

We take known combat style feats and combine them with combat style feats from other publishers. Merging combat style feats expands upon the 3 feat system. Doing so allows for more “flavor”, longer progression in a school style, and offers something to look forward to when advancing in levels.

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An Ehn's Gaming Foundry Review


An Ehn's Gaming Foundry Review

This week we’re looking over Art of War: Youxia; a hybrid class of samurai and unchained monk. Right away, I have to say that this is a different set of classes than I expected to see smashed together. With a d10 hit die and decent starting gold, our opening is pretty standard for something like this, giving us a role and letting us know that this is going to be another ki based class. We’re picking up a decent skill list with 4 ranks per level (thank god it’s not 2), and the normal monk weapons along with light and medium armor.

We get a pretty standard suite of bonus feats ala the monk side of thing, as well as picking up samurai’s resolve, so at the moment it feels pretty same-y along with the standard monk unarmed strike material. I will admit I like gaining the ki pool at 2nd level, as the monk felt like a class that needed to be 3rd level to be played fully. As someone who doesn’t like parry being as limited as it is normally, I really do appreciate being able to burn ki on that. Like it’s a straight swashbuckler lift, but hey, I like it.

Sadly we get to just wholesale stealing ki powers, which hey, it works, but at the same time, it removes a lot of unique design space that could have been utilized here. A lot of space could have been saved here by saying “see unchained monk ki powers for more information.” Also slightly odd that we have to get to the bottom of page 5 before we see the class’s table.

After this, we see the same class just pulling advanced weapon training and weapon mastery feats from the fighter class, which makes this feel like more of a monk/fighter hybrid instead of monk/samurai, as only resolve was pillaged from the samurai class.

It appears that we’re also getting a new skill here, meditate, that is going to factor into future products. I can’t really judge it by that though, so I’ll talk about how it plays into this class. It basically boils down to a way to ignore some debuffs for pretty low DCs (turning nausea into staggered effectively for DC 20), basically making it a powerful defensive skill. Out of the next section, the only content that really caught my eye was the signature ki feat, something that lets you reduce the ki cost of a ki power/technique by 1, but it cannot lower it below 1, making more expensive techniques manageable.

Beyond here we see more conversation of things that have been planned for the line along with more reprinted content, this time in the way of style feats. It’s thankfully not all reprints though, actually adding in some new styles to the mix with the interesting ‘sub style’ feats for existing style feats. Vermillion has some things I don’t like (needing to know your opponent’s strength score and saying a single attack at your highest base attack bonus rather than just attack action), but I enjoy the final part of it, as well as just the concept of being able to take different paths down a style tree.

I want to like phoenix style more, but it’s just very resource intensive for too little reward. That’s an issue with cockatrice style too, as while I like where it’s going, it’s going to require fighter tier feat acquisition to use it to its fullest. Desert Scorpion is odd in that it reduces your effective size, which could have been nice if it didn’t affect your damage. The fact that you have to go through the chain to undo these penalties is not consolation enough to use them.

Southern scorpion actually bucks the trend and makes for a much more engaging combat experience with how it plays out, although I really don’t like that it gives a deflection bonus as I’d rather see that as a dodge or shield bonus. Aside from that though, it’s pretty nice, definitely something I could see myself taking. Leopard style is another that I found myself liking due to how it plays with ability damage, although the excessive saving throws needed here can get exhausting. Manticore style is also another that I like, even if it’s a pretty easy way to sicken someone. It’s definitely a cool way of making throwing weapons more interesting.

I want to like mirror style, but it seems like hell to adjudicate at a table, stealing style feats and such. It’s far more meta than I’m comfortable with myself, and while it’s not ‘bad’, it is the kind of thing that could aid in immersion breaking, as you need to ask a lot of questions while using it.

Mechanics: 3.5/5

The class is easily the weakest part of this document, but it’s not terrible. It’s a hodge podge of other class’s mechanics, but the way that it’s put together certainly makes it better than the samurai. As a martial character, it will run you well enough, but no one running this class should get angry if they’re just called monk or fighter while doing it, because that’s very much what it is. Some of the style feats are what really drew my interest, which along with an okay class made for a decent experience. I really wish we’d gotten some archetypes, favored class bonuses, or just other small tweaks that would have made this class really stand out, give it a little more personality.

Thematics: 3/5

It really did feel as though this book is intended to be run as a part of a setting heavily incorporating style feats, and to me, that’s a cool idea. What drew me out of it though was the reprints which took up at least 1/3 of the book. I do feel like more content in the setting could help out a lot in getting across a much more vibrant picture, but as far as it stands, there was just enough to keep me out of truly embracing the idea that I can’t go higher.

Final Thoughts: 3/5

The youxia is an entirely serviceable class, but it takes no chances whatsoever, making it hard to remember in the grand scheme of pathfinder. Greg LaRose’s class is fine, but that’s as much as I could praise it, as I prefer to see more daring design choices made with hybrids rather than a smashing of two classes together. I feel like more chances could have been taken here, and in the future, I’d like to see something a good bit more unique from this author, as their creativity really showed in the concept of sub schools for style feats as well as a decent number of said said schools.

Scarab Sages Webstore Coordinator

Now Available!

N Jolly did us a review? Sweet.
Thanks Ehn! Feedback taken in and we'll update the class before we release the Art of War campaign setting.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No problem, this was the first foundry review I did, let me know if you have anything else you'd like reviewed. Had this been more original content, it would have most likely scored higher, at least on thematics.

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