One on One Adventures: Compendium Two (PFRPG) PDF

Our Price: $18.00

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This second collection of ten 1 on 1 Adventures is now available in one tome — powered by the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!

1 on 1 Adventures #11: Unbound Adventures

1 on 1 Adventures #12: Journey into Riddle Canyon

1 on 1 Adventures #13: The Pearls of Pohjola

1 on 1 Adventures #14: A Sickness in Silverton

1 on 1 Adventures #15: Cipactli's Maw

1 on 1 Adventures #16: The Lost City of Bransik

1 on 1 Adventures #17: The 300th

1 on 1 Adventures #18: Redemption

1 on 1 Adventures #19: Adventurer's Guild Local #409

1 on 1 Adventures #20: The Tomb of Kara-Duir

Nine of the adventures (12-20) are tailored for a single GM and player with a wide diversity of classes for play. Each of these nine come with a pregenerated character. The tenth, 1 on 1 Adventures #11: Unbound Adventures, contains information on GM-less Pathfinder gaming!

Have you and your friends ever sat around the gaming table wanting an exciting, perilous dungeon adventure but no one wanted to be the Gamemaster? Do you want to get down into the dungeon as quickly as possible and start killing monsters and finding treasure? Then look no farther than “Unbound Adventures”!

In this rules supplement, players will find the information necessary for using the Pathfinder core rules without a Gamemaster. Players will form a party, find an adventure, travel to the dungeon (which will be generated for them as they explore) and fight the monsters they find there.

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