Magic and machinery are meet in magnificent ways with this incredible class supplement for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! You'll find seven amazing archetypes that straddle the genres of sci-fi and fantasy, from the astrologer and engram channeler to the necrotech master, robot fighter, and penumbral arcanist! This book also includes a brand-new element for kineticist characters, the machine element, plus over 50 awesome infusions, wild talents, and more, from diesel heart and bloodrust infusion to construct hacker, technograft, mech synthesis, and forced reboot! Plus, new feats for technokineticists and technopaths of every kind! Whether you are adding a dash of sci-fi to your fantasy campaign or exploring a dead and blasted world peopled entirely with lifeless and deathless undead and constructs, you'll find tons of exciting options here for battling robotic overlords, interfacing with alien lostech, and making the power of the machine yours to command! Grab this fantastic 30-page supplement today and Make Your Game Legendary!
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This installment of Legendary Games‘ science-fantasy/Iron Gods-plug-in-series clocks in at 32 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page inside of front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page SRD, 1 page ToC, 3 pages introduction/how to use the book, 2 pages of advertisement, 1 page back cover, leaving us with 21 pages of content, though it should be noted that, as always for LG-books, there is quite a lot of content within these pages, courtesy of the consumer-friendly layout.
Now, as far as supplements are concerned, this book makes, obviously, use of Technology Guide’s engine and also provides new options for occult classes, core classes and offers some ACG love.
Today, I’d champion mention moving through the content from the back of the book, where the 7 new feats can be found. Technopath would be the first feat worth mentioning: This one is amazing and something I’d offer for solo-stealth missions as a bonus feat: The feat requires a means to use the ability to detect thoughts or mindlink and lets you expend such uses to cause erratic functions in computers etc., tightly codifying shutting down power etc. More important would be that, while it’s short range, it blends magic and tech in a cool way and has a very distinct, cool, espionage angle. This is really a more than rewarding one, which comes with a follow-up: Said follow-up feat, building on Technopath, allows you to use your mind to interface with computers in close range. This is pretty iconic and something I definitely liked to see here. Two really iconic winners here. Welker in Rust is a feat that is particularly suited for metal elementalists or urban druids, allowing for the use of a palm-sized metal object as arcane bonded object – minor complaint: For non-arcane casters, the “arcane” may seems slightly confusing here. Anyways, that’s nitpicking. The feat allows you to spontaneously convert summon spells into ones that call a distinct array of junk golems. Minor complaint: It’d have been nice to see the reference to Small sized junk golems sport more than just the HP modification. Similarly, no suggested burn cost for use in conjunction with the Necrotech (see below) material’s included. The object noted can btw. also be used in conjunction with shield guardians, if any, adding a cosmetic rust theme and a stored rusting grasp to the array.
Now, 4 of the new feats within deal with Necrotech: The Adept feat lets you use Charisma instead of Constitution to determine Fort-saves, but to make up for this power increase, you lower Constitution by 2. The feat must be taken at first level and influences the ability to take the Necrotech master archetype. Necrotech Genius also lowers your Con, but nets you a save-buff based on the Burn you currently possess. Necrotech Leader lets you accept burn to enslave undead nearby, which is a cool angle for necro-themes kineticists. Necrotech Transformation, finally, changes your type to undead. Since the feat requires a new archetype herein, the interactions are actually clear here.
Now, I already mentioned the necrotech master, so let’s start with this kineticist archetype, shall we? The archetype must be a construct or corporeal undead (or have the aforementioned Necrotech Adept feat) and is is locked into machine as primary element. The archetype does note that it makes use of Charisma instead of Constitution for the purpose of kineticist abilities, concentration for wild talents etc. The archetype takes a -1 penalty to Fort-saves per point of burn accepted, rather than taking lethal damage, with 3 + Cha-mod acting as the cap for the ability. This radically changes how the archetype plays, as opposed to the base class: The fragility of hit point dearth is replaced with a susceptibility for what we associate with those dabbling in necromancy – being sickly, easily subject to poisons and the like. This makes sense to me and also emphasizes these often somewhat overlooked components. Particularly for less experienced players that have an issue with the increasing fragility of the kineticist will welcome this rock-paper-scissors-y approach. The second tweak that enforces this notion, would be the unholy union ability: If the character is a construct, he gets + Cha-mod hit points per level, while undead necrotech masters gain fixed bonus hit points as though they were constructs. They are treated as both construct or undead when the like would be beneficial. They are only destroyed upon being reduced to Cha mod + class level hit points. These bonus hit points and type-based defenses replace the basic kinesis utility talents gained by selecting an elemental focus and defense. 4th level allows for the taking of machine’s elemental defense as a utility wild talent instead. Starting at 3rd level, the necrotech master may choose to gain a profane bonus to Charisma in place of a size bonus to a physical ability score, replacing elemental overflow.
Instead of 6th level’s utility wild talent, the archetype is locked into taking the construct creator utility wild talent, and may use the ability as though it was animat dead. Constructs created thus as treated as undead for the purposes of desecrate. Also at this level, the archetype may accept 1 point of burn to select a creature created or controlled (undead + constructs only) to grant them a single machine defense or utility wild talent with a burn cost of 0 or –; The level of the ability granted must be lower than class level, and the recipient creature is treated as though its HD were kineticist levels for the purpose of effects, using Cha instead of Con as governing attribute. Targets thus buffed may not accept burn. At 11th level and 16th level, the archetype may grant additional talents for increased burn costs; only one creature at a given time may be buffed thus, though. This replaces internal buffer. 7th level locks the archetype into void as expanded element and negative blast for simple blast. Undead or constructs created gain the aforementioned unholy union ability, with 15th level locking the archetype into machine as expanded element, and into void blast composite blast as composite blast, regardless of prerequisites. 8th level locks into construct hacker, and 9th level adds a negative level to living targets hit by a kinetic blast, replacing metakinesis (maximize); 12th level nets forced reboot, allowing the archetype to revive undead, causing them to return as undead – pretty sure the first reference should refer to “constructs or undead” instead. 14th level provides the means to use the Turing computation utility wild talent, as well as the ability to use it on undead.
Okay, so it only makes organically sense to move on to the new kineticist element while we’re at it, right? Machine nets Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) as class skills, and basic technokinesis allows you to power machines via Burn and use mending on machines, constructs, etc. Junk blast would be the simple blast, and it sports all 3 physical damage types and is, no surprise there, a physical blast. (As an aside: Personally, I prefer damage mode changes, but that’s personal aesthetics.) As noted before, Diesel heart would be the defense wild talent, and it nets scaling DR, with accepted burn for machine talents temporarily increasing that. The talent also allows you to gain scaling percentile chances to ignore crits and sneak attack, based on burn accepted. I enjoy this one! The composite blasts provided and their options make sense and are, theme-wise, rather neat and make sense regarding damage types etc. 5 infusion wild talents are included, which feature causing Con damage via Bloodrust (damn cool name!), nanite-based sunder, soaking foes in oil, etc. – I really enjoyed these. Beyond the already noted basic utility wild talent, we get basically 30 utility wild talents to choose from; the aforementioned Turing computation awakens constructs, and similarly, the focus of quite a few of them, is on crafting and hacking constructs, on blindisght to note them (or metalsense…), on quicker repairs to keep them viable in battle (including tricks to use burn for a better action economy when doing so), on using nanites to duplicate ability score buffs on allies, a surge like auto-buff, a burn-based overclocking that hastes you and enhances your blast damage, subdermal plating…oh, and grafting weapons and upgrading grafts in 3 steps! It should be noted that the rather potent initiative buff twitch reflexes is associated with a cool elemental saturation.
…okay, I’ll say it right now: This is one of my favorite kineticist elements EVER. It really changes up playstyles and makes kineticists that take it go places where other elements don’t. This is inspired and may well be worth the asking price on its lonesome. Huge kudos!!
What do we have herein beyond kineticist options? Well, what about the robot fighter ranger, who replaces Knowledge (nature) + (geography) with Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) and gets +1/2 class level to Perception and Disable Device checks to find and disarm traps, making the archetype, chassis-wise, a good rogue-substitute? Combat Style is replaced with basically a gunslinger lite array, while Endurance is swapped out with technologist. The first two favored terrains are locked and the archetype comes with a modified spell-list and must select a non-animal companion. Higher levels provide hardness ignoring and higher DCs to resist being stunned by crits, free movement through rubble and ruins and higher levels include swift action discharge or, at even higher levels, rebuke technology. Spell sacrifice for electromagnetic pulses and the ability to bypass sensors, penetrate force fields and the like further complement the archetype, culminating in an insta-construct-destruction trick. I’m generally not a big fan of nemesis-classes, but this one at least has its own array of tricks that make it play differently from the base class.
The Penumbral arcanist replaces 1st level’s exploit with the option to reduce illumination levels; exploits provided are shadow-themed, including adding new spells or granting creatures shadow fading. The archetype gets a custom capstone….and honestly, I don’t particularly like it. There’s nothing really wrong with it, but compared to Lost Spheres Publishing’s superb Shadow Weaver, it feels bland, and it also kinda feels like an odd man out in the supplement. Not very magitech-y.
Thankfully, the nanotech infuser sorcerer does fit: Loss of Bluff and Intimidate in favor of Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering), at-will mending and a touch that damages constructs at touch a limited amount of time, bypassing defenses. Higher levels see the nanites replace parts of the body, making the sorcerer automatically stabilize and take less damage from bleed and blood drain, but at the cost of becoming more inhuman. This transition further improves at 19th level. Cool: At 13th level, we have a nanovirus, which deals Wisdom and Con-damage, and which may make those that succumb to it rise as a nanite zombies.
The Astrologer mesmerist replaces consummate liar with skill bonuses related to the profession and benefits from the guiding star under the night sky, Adding Charisma in addition to Wisdom modifier to the checks of Wis-based checks, as well as 1/night free metamagic-modified tricks. This is theme-wise pretty cool. Higher levels provide the option to substitute components with less than 1K costs with astrolabe/telescope use – I Like this flavor-wise. Moment of prescience, which a target may benefit 1/week from, is cool, and getting a satellite of forceful hand that can work as clenched fist is similarly cool. These abilities tend to be used, resource-wise, via mesmerist tricks, and the capstone nets interplanetary teleport. I like the flavor here, but I can’t really see why this fellow is jammed on the mesmerist chassis. It does not interact in a meaningful way with the base-chassis and feels more like an option that’d make sense for the medium or psychic class.
The delver wizard replaces Blind-Fight with Scribe Scroll, and replaces arcane bond with favored terrain and at 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter providing one of 9 talent-like abilities, which include tremorsense, Craft Technological Items, squeezing, etc. – the archetype basically represents the delving wizard…which is nice, but I wished the focus on tech would be slightly more pronounced. 10th level provides better divination below ground and also a nice, modified summon monster list.
The final archetype within would be the engram channeler spiritualist. Oddly, the ability headers here, throughout the whole class option haven’t been properly bolded, representing one of the couple of minor formatting glitches through out the pdf. The archetype comes with a modified spell list. Instead of a phantom, the archetype calls forth an engram, which can’t manifest in ectroplasmic form and is a construct, rather than an outsider, sporting concise modifications of the base engine here. Cool: The engram gets an intellectual, rather than an emotional focus, and sports different special abilities – I really like this, but wished we got more intellectual focuses to choose from. This feels, somewhat, cut-down by word-count. Anyway, taking 10 on Knowledge checks (and 1/day taking 20), at-will technomancy and tech-interacting abilities complement this archetype. This may be me just being a huge fan of Bruce R. Cordell’s 3.X-book “When the Sky Falls”, but I wished this one had had more room to shine; the concept is stronger than the space that it allotted to it.
Editing and formatting, for the most part, are VERY good on a rules-language and formal level; however, there are slightly more guffaws here than usual for Legendary Games, though these tend to be cosmetic. Layout adheres to the smooth two-column full-color standard of the iron Gods plug-ins and the pdf comes fully bookmarked for your convenience. Artworks should mostly be familiar for fans of legendary Games.
Jason Nelson, N. Jolly, Loren Sieg, Jeff Lee and Clinton J. Boomer provide an amazing book…when it actually focuses on the magitech/science-fantasy promise. It’s really odd – I even liked the nemesis-style ranger, and the tech-y options are inspired; Particularly if you’re enjoying the kineticist, this is a no-brainer book. The machine element is pure amazing. At the same time, there are three archetypes herein that have, at best, a somewhat tangential connection to magitech – the general themes of science-fantasy are kind of there, but feel a bit more like an afterthought; don’t get me wrong – they *are* cool, but ultimately, this means that the book is pretty strongly geared towards occult, in particular, kineticist, content. Now, I am very much happy with that, but if you expected a broader focus, you may end up slightly disappointed. Still, what *does* click, does so with the panache and experience we expect from Legendary Games! Kineticist fans in particular should consider this to be an absolute must-own tome – that part of the book is absolute genius and 5 star + seal material; as noted, ranking among my favorite kineticist options ever.
However, I have to rate the entirety of the book, and while never bland or mediocre, a few of the options fell slightly short of the promise of the rest. Hence, my final verdict will clock in at 4.5 stars, rounded down.
DISCLAIMER: This review is based on a free PDF provided by the author and the publisher, which in no way had an influence on the final score.
Magitech Archetypes is a sci-fi/fantasy fusion-themed book by Legendary Games. As all books by the publisher, this one includes amazing layout and art, but they are not only beautiful; they are handy for players because of the many electronic links it includes, so you get a lot of information interconnected.
What’s inside?
21 pages of content, which include:
-7 archetypes: Astrologers are mesmerist who study the stars, and exchange many of their tricks for star-flavored abilities, even creating miniature satellites to attack their foes or travel to and survive in another planet! Delvers are wizards who are very at home in the underground and, in exchange for their arcane bond, get many abilities useful in dungeons and ruins, and can also summon some underground creatures (ending with neothelids!). Engram channelers are spiritualists that summon not a restless phantom, but the encoded memory of a dead being that presents as a hologram; a flavorful and very strong class hack that gets away from the undead and becomes closer to technology; Nanotech infusers are sorcerers who replace several bloodline powers for some abilities that derive from your nanites, without overspecializing on robots or technology; while this archetype doesn’t replace your bloodline, it does replace many bloodline powers and I wonder if it couldn’t have worked better as an aberrant bloodline, but to be fair, some of the abilities are so strong that they replace bloodline powers AND feats! Necrotech masters are vile, unliving (construct or undead only) kineticist that focus on the vilest portion of the new machine element mixed with void; these guys aren’t that player oriented, but work wonders for enemy NPCs; Penumbral arcanists focus on darkness and shadow, gaining access to many appropriate spells and to some exclusive exploits and at the end of their careers they can create darkness so powerful that not even true seeing can penetrate, and only those that can see inside magical darkness will be able to see you; finally, Robot fighters are rangers who specialize at hunting constructs, especially robots, losing many nature-themed ability for more appropriate abilities.
-1 kineticist element: Machine, with a heavy focus on interacting with the technology rules, also work with metals and other constructs, with many abilities to enhance the user’s own body, and even others’! While many abilities work and interact with machines, I can see a technokineticist character built for campaigns without technology, robots and the like, but they shine and have wider options in games that include such. Later in the book we find an elemental saturation, a place of power, with a greater benefits on technokineticists.
-7 Feats: 4 of them are available only to necrotech masters, 2 of them interact with technology and grant a weird telepathy/hacking ability to interact with computers. The final feat gives you the ability to spontaneously summon junk golems of increasing potency. It is worth noting that this last feat is open to technokineticist (they can even ignore prerequisites), but they can’t use it as is since they can’t cast spells. I suppose the summons could have a burn cost but I can only wonder (unless they multiclass).
Of Note: Engram channelers are a roleplaying goldmine and a nice tool to have as a game master to give hints to the PCs. Robot fighters sound lame but are anything but, they are urban warrior that could work in steampunk campaigns. I was expecting lame bonuses to attack and damage, but believe me, these guys rock!
Anything wrong?: The astrologer mesmerist archetype is cool, but the abilities don’t mesh well with the base class flavor; I would have preferred the archetype for wizards or psychics. Delver wizards and penumbral arcanists are cool and flavorful, but also don’t really scream “magitech” to me. These three feel sci-fi but not magitech, which is a shame in a book called “Magitech Archetypes”. Also, no magus? No occultists? No summoner? These three classes would have rocked in a magitech campaign with an appropriate archetype. Maybe for the sequel? (wink wink)
What cool things did this inspire?: Necrotech master androids or, better yet, ghouls with class levels, could fuel an entire campaign of technofantasy horror. What about undead giants with class levels? Something like Attack on Titan meets Tetsuo? I would play/run that! I would also LOVE to play a samsaran engram channeler whose engram is his past life or past life’s love! (you seem strangely familiar). An android kinetic shinobi who uses the new element sounds too obvious but awesome at the same time. Also obvious but cool: a ghoran, elf or any sylvan race robot fighter in the same party as an android technokineticist would bring several roleplaying opportunities for intra-party interaction, or would be perfect as a good-aligned enemy for a techno-heavy party.
Do I recommend it? Yes! I have yet to be disappointed by a LG’s book, but I must say the title of the book is a little misleading. I rate this book with 4 ½ stars, rounded down for plain blend-y, magitech campaigns but rounded up for sci-fi meets fantasy campaigns.
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Jason Nelson
Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games
Unleash mad science or spectacular sci-fi sorcerery in your game today!
I noticed this has Oil Infusion and Persistent Infusion as per Legendary Kineticists, but the wording and mechanics seem slightly tweaked...are they supposed to be updated versions of their Legendary Kineticists counterparts, replacing them, or just very similar infusions that can be used alongside the originals (Oil InfusionLK versus Oil InfusionMA) and are a bit confusingly named?
Edit: Also, basic technokinesis has nothing listed under burn, though I imagine it should be 0 like every other basic [X]kinesis.
Other minor thing; in the list of wild talents, it's listed as overclocked offense, but the actual wild talent is titled overclocked offensive; however, the improved version is called overclocked offense, improved in both locations, making me believe overclocked offense is the intended title?
Edit: There's also a 7th-level wild talent listed called educated construct which doesn't seem to exist?
Edit: Ah, wait, that got renamed to turing computation I'm betting, and just wasn't updated.
I noticed this has Oil Infusion and Persistent Infusion as per Legendary Kineticists, but the wording and mechanics seem slightly tweaked...are they supposed to be updated versions of their Legendary Kineticists counterparts, replacing them, or just very similar infusions that can be used alongside the originals (Oil InfusionLK versus Oil InfusionMA) and are a bit confusingly named?
Edit: Also, basic technokinesis has nothing listed under burn, though I imagine it should be 0 like every other basic [X]kinesis.
Oil and persistent are updates, things we would have changed givven the chance. And yeah, they're 0 burn.
Luthorne wrote:
Other minor thing; in the list of wild talents, it's listed as overclocked offense, but the actual wild talent is titled overclocked offensive; however, the improved version is called overclocked offense, improved in both locations, making me believe overclocked offense is the intended title?
Edit: There's also a 7th-level wild talent listed called educated construct which doesn't seem to exist?
Edit: Ah, wait, that got renamed to turing computation I'm betting, and just wasn't updated.
Yeah, overclocked offense is the correct name, just a bit of editing issues.
And yeah, Loren REALLY wanted that to be called turing computation, and I can't blame her.
...I think im gonna have fun with this one, once i can get around to it. Turing Computation just sounds plain good... and a whole nother KINETICIST ELEMENT!!!
...I think im gonna have fun with this one, once i can get around to it. Turing Computation just sounds plain good... and a whole nother KINETICIST ELEMENT!!!
*turns and breaks some glass for effect*
I am intrigued.
You should have your copy by now.
Also this book marks the 7th element I've written for the kineticist (KOP 1: Light/Sound/Time, KOP 2: Poison/Visera, LK 1: Mind, MA: Machine), meaning I've written as many as Paizo's put out.
Yeah, the new element was probably my favorite part, it's definitely pretty neat. You can definitely make an interesting monster out of yourself, makes me want to see a corpokineticist and a technokineticist team up and go nuts.
Beyond the new element, though, here's what else you can expect to see in this book:
Astrologer, a mesmerist archetype. You lose consummate liar and five mesmerist tricks to get some star-related stuff, you generally get some bonuses to these abilities for being outdoors at night.
I think Nightwatcher got messed up a little; I presume the +1/2 your level bonus goes to Perception checks under those circumstances and the +2 bonus goes to the other skills, but it's not written that way.
Delver, a wizard archetype. You trade out Scribe Scroll for Blind-Fight, arcane bond for some interesting bonuses you can choose from every so often, and your 10th level bonus feat for divination bonuses underground and adding to your summon monster spell list. Very much about venturing underground and all that.
Engram Channeler, a spiritualist archetype that channels a deceased person whose memories are stored in some machine somewhere instead of the traditionally dead variety. Lose some necromancy spells, gain some technology spells, your phantom is treated as a construct and can only manifest as an incorporeal creature. Instead of a normal focus, gets a new focus to represent its digital nature.
Nanotech Infuser, a sorcerer archetype that unsurprisingly involves nanobots. Swap out some class skills, replace your 1st-level bloodline power and 7th, 13th, and 19th level bloodline feats and spells for various nanite tricks.
Necrotech Master, a kineticist archetype only for non-good constructs or corporeal undead that has to take the new Machine element. Uses Charisma instead of Constitution for wild talents, burn is tweaked to actually work for them, etc., nailed down to picking specific elements and that kind of thing, but you're going to wind up a techno-undead horror at the end of it all.
Penumbral Arcanist, which is shockingly an arcanist archetype that deals with shadowy things. Trades your 1st-level exploit for the ability to make your spells shadowy, gain some custom exploits and greater exploits, replace magical supremacy for the ability to make it difficult for divination and light spells to penetrate your shadowy spells.
Robot Fighter, a ranger archetype for fighting robots. Swaps out some class skills, only gets favored enemy for constructs but bonuses against robots, replaces wild empathy with bonuses against mechanical traps, some gun-related feats you can take with combat style feats, replace Endurance with Technologist, gets some technological spells, and a bunch of other stuff for fighting robots and technology in general that I'm not going to go into more detail about.
Then you get the machine element which, as I said, is pretty cool, offers some fun composites too, actually a good option to combine with aether amazingly and also void, since they get specific composite blasts instead of the weird boosts, also one of the few energy composite blasts. Complete with an elemental saturation.
Finishes off with seven techno feats.
So, hope that helps people figure out if they want this or not!
Reviewed here, on DT and on Amazon! Sequel wheeeeeeeeen?!?!?!?
Alos, why no NPC? a necrotech master was a must!
Jason Nelson
Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games
Thanks for the review, Xiao! Glad you enjoyed, and it's a fair commentary that some of the archetypes are more "sci-fi" than specifically magitech. Perhaps a sequel is needed... :)
Reviewed here, on DT and on Amazon! Sequel wheeeeeeeeen?!?!?!?
Alos, why no NPC? a necrotech master was a must!
There was a reason for no NPC, and that's because I was brought onto this project late, so I didn't have time to set up everything that I would have normally liked to for myself. If we do a sequel, I'll probably get a sample NPC in line for it.
How does the feat Walker in Rust work with the technokineticist, considering that they don't have a spell list? There probably needs to be some kind of burn cost.
How does the feat Walker in Rust work with the technokineticist, considering that they don't have a spell list? There probably needs to be some kind of burn cost.
Someone read my whole review? or do great minds think alike? Anyway, not any official answer, but a good guess would be 1 burn per every two levels for the normal kineticist... if you think it is too high, then 1 burn every 3 levels.
Jason Nelson
Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games
the xiao wrote:
nkg114 wrote:
How does the feat Walker in Rust work with the technokineticist, considering that they don't have a spell list? There probably needs to be some kind of burn cost.
Someone read my whole review? or do great minds think alike? Anyway, not any official answer, but a good guess would be 1 burn per every two levels for the normal kineticist... if you think it is too high, then 1 burn every 3 levels.
That was what I was going to suggest - 1/2 levels.