Mythic Module Monsters: Rune Lords 1 brings you mythic versions of all six monsters in the bestiary section of issue #1 in the official Rune Lords AP:
giant gecko
goblin dog
goblin snake
attic whisperer
devil steed
The Mythic Monster Manual and Mythic Monsters series from Legendary Games have greatly expanded the number of mythic monsters available for use in Pathfinder campaigns of any kind, but if you want to add a bit of mythic mayhem to the classic adventure paths produced by Paizo, Inc., the Mythic Module Monsters series is designed just for you! Rather than having to hunt through multiple books trying to find the odd monster here or there to enhance your adventure path experience, you'll find the monsters introduced in that AP right here, ready to pick up exactly the issues you need to enhance the mythic monsters in your favorite adventure! You can pick them up a few at a time or collect an entire series for your favorite AP!
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This inexpensive little pdf clocks in at 9 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page SRD, leaving us with 6 pages of content, so let's take a look!
What exactly is in here? Well, know how the AP-installment have a couple of monsters in the back? This book converts these beasts featured in the by now legendary first RotRL, the first Pathfinder installment ever, into mythic versions.
The first critter herein would be the CR 5/MR 2 Attic Whisperer - and one look at the critter makes clear that this is no hack job: White a morale-sapping aura of decrepitude, fast healing while within debris-laden areas and claws that can inflict hampering loneliness, the critter is an excellent example of really making a creature's concept shine to the level the cool creature concept deserves.
At CR 2/MR 1, mythic goblin dogs not only receive the ability to cause nastier allergies, their very mere presence can also inspire nearby goblins, in particular their riders. At the same CR/MR-combo, goblin snakes are upgraded to have the ability to insert some flammable gas into their belches. I like the simplicity of this critter, walking just the right design-balance between animal and weirdo monstrosity. The CR 1/MR1 giant gecko featured herein takes the animal-design I love and applies it - removable tail, water walking and climbing make a lot of sense!
At CR 3/MR 1, sinspawn are among the more complex (and lore-wise, important) creatures - and they make full use of the great thematic expansions one can associate with the themes - from Ultimate Magic to Occult Adventures, the better spells are now integrated...oh, and mythic sinspawn can actually change their sin-type via mythic power. Absolutely inspired.
The Sandpoint Devil, with filed off serial numbers, has also been included here, at CR 10/MR 4 - and it makes sense: The bay can cause widespread panic; it can AoO uses of mythic power and actually can gain temporary mythic power! The hellfire breath is upgraded and the deadly trample it has similarly is cooler. Oh, and if you're like me and were disappointed how easily it could have been slain...well, that stops now. This deadly creature is now truly an undying legend and while I would have loved some of the legends from the lore see a mechanical representation, that would have probably blown the being up to the highest of CR-regions.
Editing and formatting are top-notch, I noticed no significant glitches. Layout adheres to a two-column full-color standard and the pdf has no artworks, but needs none. The pdf has no bookmarks, but needs none at this length.
Mike Welham, Jason Nelson and Steven T. Helt are all veterans - this little pdf is a great reminder why - there is not a single filler-creature herein, not one being I'd not immediately use over the non-mythic version. And that is awesome. My final verdict will hence clock in at 5 stars + seal of approval.
Endzeitgeist out.
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Jason Nelson
RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Are you playing or running a certain AP involving Rune Lords? Do you want to add a little spice to the challenges your PCs will face? Then it's time to make your monsters mythic!
if possible to have a mythic version of all rune lords wizard ? I like this initiative for new mythic monster and hope somedays new mythic path and if possible archetype like four horsemen 3 pp.
Jason Nelson
RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games
demiurge108 wrote:
if possible to have a mythic version of all rune lords wizard ? I like this initiative for new mythic monster and hope somedays new mythic path and if possible archetype like four horsemen 3 pp.
Legendary Games has well over 100 products out for the mythic rules, including FOUR new mythic paths already (Path of the Genius and Path of the Stranger available in their own books, and both paths as well as the Path of the Living Saint and Path of the Overmind all in the Mythic Hero's Handbook), as well as the Path of Dragons and Path of Villains books for the GM. The Mythic Hero's Handbook also includes mythic class features for every class in the core rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, and I believe 10 additional base classes from your favorite 3PPs.
We even have a brand-new mythic path book we'll be announcing very soon!
I’m glad to see more support for mythic monsters from you! As I’m not a big fan of mythic versions of low-level creatures I’ll skip this one, but looking forward to buying these modules for parts 2-6.
Jason Nelson
RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games
Rhuarc wrote:
I’m glad to see more support for mythic monsters from you! As I’m not a big fan of mythic versions of low-level creatures I’ll skip this one, but looking forward to buying these modules for parts 2-6.
Fair enough... although FYI if you get the 6-issue Rune Lords subscription from the LG webstore, with the 10% discount you're almost getting one issue free.
Might be worth it just for the CR 10/MR 4 devil steed. Just sayin... :)
But... Karzoug wasn't mythic. He was the most powerful Runelord to not be mythic. >.>
If you want to boost things into Mythic, give him 5 Tiers, max. Xin or the other three Rune Lords that were definitely Mythic would just have more Tiers if you really want a Mythic version of RotRL.
Jason Nelson
Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thanks for the great review, Endy. Glad you enjoyed it. We might have a new set of these coming soon... tinged with Crimson!
Jason Nelson
Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games
Our "Red Throne" Mythic Module Monsters are coming very soon, and in celebration, for a limited time only, the entire Mythic Module Monsters: Rune Lords is on sale - just $3 for 36 magnificent mythic monsters!