Ultimate Relationships #3: The Cassisian Detective (PFRPG) PDF

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The Cassisian Detective is an angelic spirit, a curious and clever seeker after knowledge and an unraveler of mysteries. He is a determined sleuth when villainy is afoot, eager to track down wrongdoers and bring them to justice. He loves riddles and games, but none are as satisfying as puzzling out the clues of an intricate mystery with a fellow investigator, especially when they can match wits with an adversary worthy of their skills.

The original Ultimate Relationships provided the basic rules and structure for building effective and fun relationships with NPCs in the game, and this ongoing series takes that a step further by providing you with a fully developed, robustly detailed NPC in every product, some drawn from published Adventure Paths, others from Legendary Games products, and still others entirely new. Each installment includes the character's game statistics as well as the relationship characteristics that make them a long-running campaign character that your players will talk about for years to come.

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An Endzeitgeist.com review


This installment of the Ultimate Relationship-series clocks in at 8 pages - 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page how to use, 1 page SRD leaving us with 4 pages of content, so let's take a look!

All right, so this series provides romantic interests for the PCs as per the Ultimate Relationship-rules, so I'm assuming you're familiar with them. If not, check out that pdf first (and/or my review for it).

All right, so this time around...we romance a helmet with wings. No, I'm not kidding. Look up the artwork. The statblock is the most complex we've seen so far in the series, though, unlike another review I noticed, I saw no glitches pertaining class abilities - the archetype has been correctly added in the iteration of this pdf I read.

Affinity-wise, the cassian detective prefers introverted, silent characters, particularly investigators and the like and obviously has a fondness for riddles and puzzles and, obviously, as a good outsider, he loathes evildoers. A sense of requiring completion makes keeping him around rather easy and he is available for being a cohort as soon as 4th rank.

The detective, interestingly, is devoted to the empyreal lord of departed lovers and as such, entering a proper romantic relationship, abstract though it may be, ultimately would result in conflicting notions, particularly since the entity is currently in a chaste crush on Verity it/her/himself. (This gender-thing is getting confusing regarding helmet-shaped outsiders...apologies. And no, I'm not using "they" - it sounds wrong to me, like finger nails on chalkboard. Sorry.)

That being said, the ranking up procedure of the romance with the cassisian detective easily is the most intriguing so far: For one, the outsider loves riddles, so Int-checks (or out-game riddle-savvy players) are preferred. Secondly, the entity has a perfect memory, so if you're like me and have a better memory than your players, this can really be hilarious...otherwise, I'd suggest taking notes to properly roleplay him. Which is also, by far, the most awesome thing about this installment of Ultimate Relationships - you see, the cassisian does not know about a chaste crush on his mistress and is interested in the gaps and holes of actions and behavior - having a perfect, gapless memory, he feels intrigued by lack - the objectivity of nothing, the concept of presence heightened through absence, making this character truly well-rounded and unique.

Boon-wise, the relationship unlocks either Linguistics or Perform (Oratory) as class skills and +1 to saves versus visual and sonic effects, stacking with celestial obedience, if present. At 10th rank, the boon, you can 1/day expend 3 full-round actions to duplicate the detective's careful teamwork performance lasting 10 minutes and affecting only you and double campaign bonuses associated with the detective.


Editing and formatting are good, though not perfect. Layout adheres to a nice two-column full-color standard and the pdf has no bookmarks, but needs none at this length. The pdf has a nice artwork of the outsider.

Mark Seifter's Cassisian Detective is by far the weirdest of the relationships so far - but it's also the most unique, intriguing and well-rounded - the character has depth, means for philosophical engagement and character beyond being a relationship-stereotype - in a nutshell, this feels organic and well-crafted. Personally, I consider this by far the most intriguing of the relationships provided so far and well worth a final verdict of 5 stars + seal of approval.

Endzeitgeist out.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Now available!

I hope there will be more products of this line soon! They do all enhance the game so much!

Reviewed first on endzeitgeist.com, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS and d20pfsrd.com's shop.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Maybe someone from Legendary Games can shine some light on this, are there any more products planned in this line, maybe even for other adventure paths?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Endzeitgeist wrote:
Reviewed first on endzeitgeist.com, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS and d20pfsrd.com's shop.

Thanks for the review EZG! Also of note vis-a-vis the review, The Silence Between and Verity are different empyreal lords (the former is a CG azata, the latter is LG archon, and of course, our detective is a NG angel), so things are even more complex for him :D.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Zaister wrote:
Maybe someone from Legendary Games can shine some light on this, are there any more products planned in this line, maybe even for other adventure paths?

I was talking to Mark about it just yesterday, and he's obviously been very busy with the day job wearing the blue golem shirt, but we do have at least two more of these planned. So far, while the base Ultimate Relationships product has sold very well, these individual characters haven't done as well, so we always have to balance return on investment of time and effort, so we'll see how the next two do for us and decide from there. Mark may be able to tease the two new characters upcoming; I think they are a lot of fun and will be very interesting and unusual relationship opportunities, and we hope you agree.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Thanks for the infos, Jason!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The upcoming ones are the kitsune emissary, who was raised by the kami and The Guardian, an intelligent magic katana who upgrades weapon power as you rank up.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh, see, now you're just teasing us, Mark.

The offer from LG on these this week was just too good for me to pass up, so I snagged all three, and I'm in the process of absorbing them and wondering how and when I can introduce them to a game.

I'll review them all individually at some point, but for anyone reading this and contemplating: buy them. As soon as you can. Mark has done a fantastic job, and don't be put off by the links to the Far Eastern Adventure Path: these NPCs offer great relationship ideas suitable for any game, and each one I read gives me more ideas on fleshing out my own NPCs for long-term relationships with PCs.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Rogue Eidolon wrote:
The upcoming ones are the kitsune emissary, who was raised by the kami and The Guardian, an intelligent magic katana who upgrades weapon power as you rank up.

Consider them bought!

Liberty's Edge

Same here. The Guardian is something I was really hoping for and a great idea too.

For future releases beyond those 2, I think you could check on these boards which NPCs people would like to see first. With a list of the available NPCs that Mark has already worked on for his home game. This would also allow you to assess the market's interest in further releases ;-)

Rogue Eidolon wrote:
The upcoming ones are the kitsune emissary, who was raised by the kami and The Guardian, an intelligent magic katana who upgrades weapon power as you rank up.

I'm looking forward to both of these.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Chemlak wrote:

Oh, see, now you're just teasing us, Mark.

The offer from LG on these this week was just too good for me to pass up, so I snagged all three, and I'm in the process of absorbing them and wondering how and when I can introduce them to a game.

I'll review them all individually at some point, but for anyone reading this and contemplating: buy them. As soon as you can. Mark has done a fantastic job, and don't be put off by the links to the Far Eastern Adventure Path: these NPCs offer great relationship ideas suitable for any game, and each one I read gives me more ideas on fleshing out my own NPCs for long-term relationships with PCs.

Glad you enjoyed! I happen to think these are super-useful too, having used them for my home game with much success among my players. So far, they haven't sold enough to justify the number of hours of work they take (it's a big reason why I stalled out on Kitsune Emissary, which I've had half done since October), but I think more reviews will surely help out!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

FWIW, I hope sales pick up. I really, really love these.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Endzeitgeist wrote:
FWIW, I hope sales pick up. I really, really love these.

I don't know if it will help sell these or not, but maybe you could take a look at the updated Ultimate Relationships: "Endzeitgeist Edition", now with specific rules for adapting if you're not running an AP or campaign arc. More likely it will help with the main UR instead, but there could be some product synergy!

The Raven Black wrote:

Same here. The Guardian is something I was really hoping for and a great idea too.

For future releases beyond those 2, I think you could check on these boards which NPCs people would like to see first. With a list of the available NPCs that Mark has already worked on for his home game. This would also allow you to assess the market's interest in further releases ;-)

I do have a list, but I figure that might just be a tease for now given the uncertain future of the line.

Verdant Wheel

I only bought it to give me ideas how to make my own. Its too close bond to the "Travel to the Orient AP". Maybe some more generic NPC based on stereotype NPCs we would like to have a relationship, like:

- The Bad Boy/Girl
- The Strict Paladin
- The Mysterious Stranger
- The Elven Wizard
- The Gentle Halfling
- The Drunk Dwarf
- The Identity Changelled Half-orc
- The Troubled Hal-elf
- The Dark Necromancer
- The Cat-folk Waiter/Maid

... etc

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

"Endzeitgeist Edition"? I take it that is an updated version? I bought this over on the Legendary Games website, and I just checked for that update, but this product is not listed at all in my downloads. Weird. It is listed in my purchase history though.

Seconded, I did not notice a revised edition with general guidelines.

I actually don't have it in my assets on any site, so I can't check it. Did it not get those updates? I've had them since last July. I'll poke Jason about it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think there may have been a glitch, Mark. I re-downloaded it yesterday from Paizo.com which says it was updated December 2015 on the site, but the PDF says it's first printing, and it looks identical to the original on a skim-through. Methinks the wrong one got uploaded for the update.

Edit: wow, how wrong can I be? Okay, the incomplete page reference for Milestones is still there, but the Camaraderie Point section in the updated version does provide general guidelines about which column of the chart you should use based upon the level you are when you first encounter an NPC. It's subtle, but incredibly important, and happens at levels which are low enough to make a difference.

I totally missed it.

Chemlak wrote:

I think there may have been a glitch, Mark. I re-downloaded it yesterday from Paizo.com which says it was updated December 2015 on the site, but the PDF says it's first printing, and it looks identical to the original on a skim-through. Methinks the wrong one got uploaded for the update.

Edit: wow, how wrong can I be? Okay, the incomplete page reference for Milestones is still there, but the Camaraderie Point section in the updated version does provide general guidelines about which column of the chart you should use based upon the level you are when you first encounter an NPC. It's subtle, but incredibly important, and happens at levels which are low enough to make a difference.

I totally missed it.

So looks like it did go up! There's five or so other small changes like that, and all together, they cover everything you need for a different style of campaign set-up. Though they be but little, they are fierce. They cover both your and Endz's requests in that regard.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Looks like I'm going to have to sit with both versions side-by-side and check all the corrections and additions in full, then revise my review.

Chemlak wrote:
Looks like I'm going to have to sit with both versions side-by-side and check all the corrections and additions in full, then revise my review.

I'll go ahead and PM you a changelog, since I have one for my own records. Endz, if you want one, I can send one your way too.

Please do - it makes my job easier and faster and thus means the review will hit site sooner. ;)

Cross-posted my response in the UR thread since I realized we're talking about UR now!

I want more of these NPCs! Many more!

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