Infinite Class: Bounty Hunter (PFRPG) PDF

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Bounty Hunters are individuals who hunt down criminals for a bounty, generally a small percentage of the bail put up for the criminal's release. In later Ages, though, those criminals they hunt down are often heavily augmented with powerful machine or biological parts, or even parts of strange, alien designs. The wonderful and terrible things that bounty hunters have faced and fought down could fuel many a horror story. And facing down those things comes at a heavy price. Bounty hunter lives were already short, but they only grew shorter as the technology advanced. And so, in order to combat the
growing threat, a group of bounty hunters formed and began augmenting themselves in return, but in a different way. These heavily armored, heavily drugged-out warriors became the famed Skoecher Brigade, from which all later Bounty Hunters effectively descend.

A full player class usable with Infinite Futures 2.0

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