Battlesworn: Bid for Victory Fantasy Miniatures Rules PDFGanesha GamesBID FOR VICTORY!
BattleSworn is not your typical "I go, you go" system. The ebb-and-flow of initiative is represented by a bidding mechanic. Players bid for initiative and reveal their bids at the same time. The lowest bidder acts first, with as many characters as the number of his bid. The highest bidder reacts with as many characters as the difference between bids. Combat uses the same mechanic. Combatants roll a number of dice equal to the amount bid. Lower bids are resolved before higher bids. This forces players to take decisions: do I attack fast, sacrificing accuracy and power for speed, or do I let my opponent go first to hit him later with a harder blow? Character profiles are not encumbered with detailed statistics. They are defined by 14 classes (Fighter, Shooter, Sniper, Tank, Brute, Leader, Rogue, Warmage, Sorcerer, Healer, Cavalry, Flyer, Arquebusier, Rabble) each with its special traits.This allows you to play with minimal preparation. BattleSworn includes two sample scenarios, a mini-bestiary, 28 sample forces, 15 spells, guidelines to adapt the rules to other genres, and 11 pages of play examples and FAQs. This is a stand-alone game. No other purchases are necessary. 44 full-color pages, including table of contents, cover, play sheet and a one-page play summary. The download includes a spreadsheet to create your force. The BattleSworn download includes a Russian translation made by a Russian fan. Product Availability
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