NPC Arsenal No. 4: Kitsune Mistress of Enchantment (PFRPG) PDF

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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The NPC Arsenal PDFs include one optimized, cleverly-built, ready-to-go NPC for GMs seeking to challenge experienced players. Each NPC includes build notes and tactical notes to make running or altering the NPC easier for busy GMs. Every PDF contains one full page of high-quality content (no fluff or filler)!

NPC Arsenal No. 4: Kitsune Mistress of Manipulation features a "behind-the-scenes" villain built for pulling strings and making life difficult for the good guys.

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This new series by Abandoned Arts offers you one NPC-build, a complex one - 3 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page SRD, 1 page character, so what do we get here?

The Kitsune Mistress of Manipulation at CR 7 is a straight level 8 sorceress of the Maestro bloodline - and at first sight, as an enchantment-specialist, that seems not particularly impressive complexity-wise. Where this build shines is in the small moving parts - from racial traits to feats, the character is thoroughly geared towards being a master-spy if there ever was one; With 4th level-spells at DC 23,a hat of disguise, a total of +45 to disguise and smart feat-choices that make this possible in the first place, this mistress should be considered an exceedingly good at evading/setting up PCs. Add to that the fact that the build is relatively neutral and you could either have a superb benefactor or deadly manipulator - in any way, she is guaranteed to be one of the top brass in any given social situation - though in combat exceedingly vulnerable and fleeing won't be an option, lacking any movement-related skills or thieving capabilities.


Editing and formatting are top-notch, I didn't notice any glitches. Layout adheres to a landscape two-column standard and the pdf has no bookmarks, but needs none at this length.

This kitsune is a master manipulator and top-brass in her given field, yes. However, as an agent/courtier, I don't think she works quite as well as she could, mostly due to not having any tricks beyond great disguises/social skills/enchantments. No stealth, no sleight of hand - as written, she is a great social manipulator, but not as cool/versatile an agent as she could have been. Hence, my final verdict will clock in at 4 stars - a good, but VERY specialized build.

Endzeitgeist out.

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Reviewed first on, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS and's shop.

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(Belated) thanks for your review, Endzeitgeist. Authors Jessica Baldwin and Andrew Harmon were very happy for such a warm reception to their first published offerings.

Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

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