Book of the Faithful: Celtic Subdomains (PFRPG) PDF

Our Price: $2.00

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A Touch of the Celtic

Different cultures have a different flare of the divine. Some venerate the equinox as a time of rebirth while others find virtue in being a gifted athlete. Still others believe that taking part in a good harvest is the height of a deity’s generosity. It is this touch of the divine that Book of the Faithful: Celtic Subdomains brings to your game.

This 5-page PDF features:

  • 10 new subdomains for your cleric or inquisitor, each with a distinctive Celtic flare.
  • Descriptions of each subdomain, helping you fit it into your game with ease.

Bring the luck o’ the Celts into your game.

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Webstore Gninja Minion

Now available!

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Thanks Liz.

Shadow Lodge

Can we get a list of the domains in this book?

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Good thought.

Beltane (Associated Domain: Sun)
Dolmen (Associated Domain: Earth)
Imbolc (Associated Domain: Protection)
Litha (Associated Domain: Fire)
Lughnasadh (Associated Domain: Community)
Mabon (Associated Domain: Plant)
Ogham (Associated Domain: Rune)
Ostara (Associated Domain: Healing)
Samhain (Associated Domain: Death)
Yule (Associated Domain: Darkness)

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Add a celtic flare to your Pathfinder game. During the I'm Not Going to PaizoCon Sale, you can grab these cultural subdomains for your Pathfinder game. Book of the Faithful: Celtic Subdomains will be going for $1. The sale starts tomorrow. Add this to your cart today.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

The I'm Not Going to PaizoCon Sale is on right now. Grab Book of the Faithful: Cleric Subdomains for $1.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Just got home from PaizoCon? The I'm Not Going to PaizoCon Sale is still going on, but ends soon. Grab Book of the Faithful: Celtic Subdomains for $1 before it is too late.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

If you want your cleric to feel more Celtic this Samhain, download Book of the Faithful: Celtic Subdomains.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Just in case you are not sure, we are nearly at Imbolc. Give your cleric a Celtic flare with these subdomains.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

It is almost Samhain. Give your cleric a Celtic flare.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

It is almost Ostara. Add some celticness to your games.

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