Captain Irons, Human, 5th level fighter normally fights with a rapier and pistols
Tall, dark haired man in his late 30s, originally from the old world.
Quatermaster/ first mate Eltras, Elf, 3rd level Bard
Thin with longer blond hair in a ponytail. Tells great tales of adventure and battle that inspire the crew.
Second mate "Ashes" Gorh, Half-orc, 3rd level Barbarian.
A large hulking Half-orc with pronounced tusks, Ashes normally leads the boarding party and is in charge of the armoury. Typically fights with a large axe.
Gunners Mate Steven Silts, Human, 3rd level fighter.
Older, with a peg leg, he is an expert in the use of cannons.
Cook/Doctor "Chef", Halfling, 3rd level expert
Remainder of the crew a mix of 1st level fighters, warriors and experts