BASIC-Series: Iconics (PFRPG) PDF

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Behold the BASIC-Series Iconics standardized for regular Core Rules play! Download this free supplement to use in your own games or the AaW BASIC adventure path.

This supplemental material is designed for those wishing to play the BASIC (Pathfinder Beginner) series with STANDARD Pathfinder statistics. For those wishing to use the Pathfinder Beginner stats: they have already been included with each adventure within the BASIC series.'s BASIC-Series adventure path begins with BASIC-1: "A Learning Time" by Kevin Mickelson (Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, "Mask of Death").

The BASIC-Series are designed for Beginner Pathfinder GMs and Players.

Check out the first adventure in the BASIC-Series, "A Learning Time" by clicking here.

Check out the second release in the BASIC-Series, "A Frightful Time" by clicking here.

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RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

How were these characters created?

  • How were the stats generated?
  • How was starting funds determined?
  • Is there anything else we should know?

  • Liberty's Edge

    The characters were created mostly in Herolab with a little pencil and paper tinkering in between. The starting funds were set a bit higher than usual. I believe that I chose a number that seemed right to give a slight extra edge to first time players, though I don't recall what the math was at the time. =)

    RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

    Kevin Mickelson wrote:
    The characters were created mostly in Herolab with a little pencil and paper tinkering in between. The starting funds were set a bit higher than usual. I believe that I chose a number that seemed right to give a slight extra edge to first time players, though I don't recall what the math was at the time. =)

    Okay. I just noticed that there stats were higher than I was used to.

    Dark Archive

    The stats were probably randomly generated. The rogue and wizard come out to 30 pt. buy, the fighter 35 pt. buy and the cleric 45 pt. buy (after subtracting the +2 each gets for being human).

    RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

    Set wrote:
    The stats were probably randomly generated. The rogue and wizard come out to 30 pt. buy, the fighter 35 pt. buy and the cleric 45 pt. buy (after subtracting the +2 each gets for being human).

    And the Beginner Box does say to "roll 4d6 and add together the best three" (page 13 of the Hero's Handbook).

    It is just that the character's scores seemed awfully high even for that method.

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