DragonCyclopedia: The Combatant (PFRPG) PDF

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Our Price: $1.00

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"Cry, Havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!"—William Shakespeare, 1601

All warriors are not made alike. Sometimes, you want to portray a noble knight of a king's court, and other times you would rather play a fast-moving swashbuckler in the vein of Sinbad or the Three Musketeers. This document offers a new character class, the combatant, designed to allow a player to create a fighting character of nearly any classic style for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Combatants have more room for customization than fighters, supplemented by a variety of martial arts skills from a list of 14 martial arts styles. Also provided are more than 70 new feats for use by any character, as well as a new type of magic item that lets a character's body be enchanted.

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Per week on Paizo's forums there are at least two threads discussing the Fighter class and what may or may not be wrong with it. In these threads there are common themes to proposed fixes. The Combatant in this product feels like it reflects a number of those proposed fixes despite it's insistence that it is not attempting to replace the fighter.

Essentially the Combatant is the fighter at it's core but with the following differences.

Good Reflex save.

4+INT skill ranks per level.

Acrobatics is a class skill.

Does not need dex requirement for TWF.

The biggest changeArmor/Weapon training is absent, and in it's place are Martial Art Styles. Martial art styles are combat styles associated with a number of feats. If you possess feats within a martial art style you have then you get bonus abilities based on the number of feats you have of that style.

For example if you have 3-5 feats of the archery style, you may ignore up to half your level in circumstance penalties to ranged attacks and stealth becomes a class skill. As you gain more archery feats you get up to 5 more abilities of increasing strength. Some of the feats are on multiple style lists so since you gain 3 martial art styles throughout your levels, you can get a number of extra abilities if you synch them up. The abilities themselves are either obvious numerical bonuses or something amazingly complementary. (like pounce) Overall these are huge boosts of power and versatility making the Combatant a pretty competent beast in combat.

The product also comes with a number of new combat feats and honestly, if you don't use the Combatant class you'll want to use the feats. A lot of them are amazing. A few feel very at home with a monk and a number I would call Must Haves.

Overall for the price of one dollar you're getting a lot. A spectacular class AND useable feats. Very useable feats. The price takes this from being a nice product to one that is silly not to buy.

I love the DragonCyclopedia classes. They're great.

I just wish that there was a printer friendly version. I picked this up on RPGNow. As much as I love the "wrinkled parchment" look; it makes it very hard to see printed.

I can't get my gamers to give these classes a shot for my game, because they have to squint over the background. :\

The printability is a definite valid concern. I'll brainstorm ways to deal with that. Thanks.

Glen Taylor

Glen Taylor wrote:

The printability is a definite valid concern. I'll brainstorm ways to deal with that. Thanks.

Glen Taylor

Thanks! I really enjoy your classes and have picked up all of them. I especially enjoy The Mage. Regardless of getting a printer friendly one or not, I'll keep picking them up! :)

For one dollar this is an amazing product.

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