Beyond 12th level

Pathfinder Society

From my understanding, you are able to take your character beyond 12th level, but your options for scenarios/modules are limited.

In fact, from what I remember reading, you actually need to take very specific choices in your games so you are not prematurely cut off from options. Like the retirement arc scenarios, I believe you need to start that at exactly 33 XP.

But my real question is, do you basically need to make a choice with what character you want to proceed beyond 12th? I am assuming you cannot replay scenarios/modules for credit beyond 12, just like at lower level. So if you choose the retirement arc scenarios for one character, you cannot take it for another.

Or are there more options in going beyond 12th level than I am thinking with multiple characters?

I just don't want to cut myself off with future characters in raising them to high level if I want to. I like my Ranger (my current highest level character), but I also love my Alchemist and don't want to close off avenues for him if they are already taken for my Ranger. Although I would really like to take them both to high level if at all possible.

Is it possible?

The Exchange 4/5

You would have to GM to get credit for eye's of the 10 a second time. With the advent of Sanctioned adventure paths it has become a lot easier to find things to play past level 12. It's quite possible to get multiple characters to very high levels without GMing, however you won't be able to play Eyes of the Ten more than once for credit.

Yes, that's what I thought about not being able to repeat even higher level scenarios. I didn't think it would change, but I was not sure knowing scenario/module options are less at higher levels.

Thanks for the reply Ben, but I was hoping for more responses.

Like are there other retirement arc scenarios/modules for characters besides Eyes of the Ten? Will more be created, for those who want to have more than one character 12+?

What is the recommended route to take more than one character above 12th level?

5/5 *

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Since you asked I will elaborate more:

Getting past level 12
1. The "standard way" is to go to 12 and play a seeker story arc, currently Eyes of the Ten. This would make a character 13.2

2. The module "The Ruby Phoenix Tournament" is levels 10-12, so it is playable by a level 12 character. Would make you 13.

3. As Ben mentions above, now with sanctioned Adventure Paths, there are many that would give credit to a level 12 character making them 13

4. Currently, two Specials have Tier 12+ subtiers, Race for the Runecarved Key, and Siege of the Diamond City. Both playable with level 12 characters.

5. GM any of the options above for a second character's credit.

Play at 13+
1. The "standard way" is to go to Paizo's published modules. The most common path is "Academy of Secrets" --> "Tomb of the Iron Medusa" --> "The Moonscar" --> "The Witchwar Legacy". This would leave a character at 17.2 xp, assuming he didn't get 1 XP along the way (See #4 above, and Paizo's Grand convocation from 2012).

2. Once again, there are now sanctioned Adventure Paths past level 12. Usually books 5 and 6 of all APs are past level 12.

3. GM any of the options above.

Looking into the Future
1. It has been stated recently in another thread by Mike Brock that there are plans to retire Eyes of the Ten and replace it with a new Seeker arc. This is still at least 1 year away. But you will be able to get another character to 12+ with it. Make sure you play Eyes of the Ten before that so you can retire 2 characters: one with EotT and one with the new arc.

2. It has not been addressed yet (to my knowledge) how the new Module Format will affect PFS. For those not in the know, Modules are going from a 32-page format every 2 months to a 64-page format every 3 months. It means modules will be too long for the current "double slot" way that modules are usually played for PFS. Assuming a single module will be split in pieces and provide more than 3xp, there is a new level 12+ module coming out in September.

4/5 ****

As an example I currently have 3 characters that are level 13+.
The first is 14.0, he played eyes of the Ten, followed by this year's new special at PaizoCon
The second is 13.2 he got gm credit for Eyes of the Ten
My 3rd is 13.0 He played Ruby Phoenix Tournament at 12.

Thanks for the replies.

I'm not really sure why they need to retire Eyes of the Ten, it would be nice to have more than one retirement arc available, as many people have multiple characters.

I may be able to play it in time, but I am still a ways away from that point for my highest level character.

I know steps have been made to be able to bring your characters to the mid to high teens, instead of stopping at 12th level, and that's great. I just want that option for all of my characters, and not be closed off if I already did it with another character.

Like in your example CRobledo, you listed a specific, commonly used, set of modules to bring yourself up to 17.2. I'm glad that option is there, but what if you want to go that high level with another character as well? Are you able to do so with another option? I would just like to see eventually being enough options to raise numerous characters into the high levels, not just one or two.

I guess we will just see what happens.

Thanks again.

5/5 *

small derail on Eyes being retired (no spoilers):
Eyes of the Ten has the special-ness of telling a story that changed a lot of things about the pathfinder society. Things, that in order to not spoil it for the rest of the players, have been kept out of scenarios ever since (for 4 years!). My guess is that they would like to move the story of the Pathfinder Society (the in-game organization) forward, and the events in Eyes of the ten could be revealed to the public were it to be retired.

Hobbun wrote:
I know steps have been made to be able to bring your characters to the mid to high teens, instead of stopping at 12th level, and that's great. I just want that option for all of my characters, and not be closed off if I already did it with another character.

You want to know the honest, truthful answer? Find some friends from PFS and start a home game. You will then be able to go as high as the campaign goes.

Organized play is currently set to support up to 12th level play and for a good reason. The fact is, originally modules were not even sanctioned for PFS and they were opened to provide more options. Related, campaign leadership has stated many times before that the number of REPORTED runs of Eyes of the Ten is not so high that it warrants the leadership to write a second seeker arc, much less multiple ones. This seems to have changed very recently, with MB finally implying there is a new one in the works.

I know you are quite new to the PFS experience. I of course want you to continue playing, and come and revisit this topic after you have had a few subtier 10-11 games under your belt. You will notice, I guarantee you, that games are VERY hard pressed to finish slots on time. Casters will have analysis paralysis over all the spells they can cast. GMs will have multiple sheets of paper detailing all the monster's spells, their feats, their summons, and the other mooks in the room.

High level (for PFS I will call it 7-11 tier) already pushes a lot of boundaries of OP.

I'm happy with the current number of options. I myself have a level 14 Paladin, played EOTT and Academy of Secrets so far. My second highest level character is 11, but she is slow tracking to 12. I have no plans for her to continue on past 12. My next highest is 10, and I love playing her. She is currently my candidate to go though that Alkenstar Mod I linked, assuming they get sanctioned for PFS play.

I am actually fortunate in that I do have a group of friends I have played in home games with many years now (consistently for about 12 years) and we have played 3.0, 3.5 and within the last few years, now Pathfinder. As well as a few other other non-medieval fantasy systems.

Ironically, myself and one of my friends of our group started playing PFS at GenCon 2010 to give it a try before we tried out Pathfinder at home, to see how different it was from 3.5. We just loved it.

And even though I technically started PFS before our home game, I have far more experience through our home game with Pathfinder than through Society. For the longest time I was not able to find a local area that ran PFS. Within the last few years it was only through GenCon where I played my PFS character.

But within the last few months I've been able to find a local store where they run Society every Sunday and have really been enjoying it.

Not to bore you with my recent history of Pathfinder, but I just wanted to let you know that I do have a home game I play consistently with, so going high level in that situation is not an issue. However, it is also something I would like to do in Society, as well.

That said, I do understand where you are coming from how it is a bit of a dilemma for PFS in having higher level characters. But that still doesn't mean I still wouldn't mind giving it a shot, considering I have only played one character in our home campaign. However, through Society it could give me the opportunity to play multiple characters at high levels, only if the scenarios/retirement arcs were written for it.

But if that is something that is not going to happen, then I guess the issue I have now is I need to decide which character I want to take into a higher levels. I just wish I didn't have to choose.

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