Infinite Futures: Heritage PDFAvalon Game CompanyYour heritage is what makes up who you are, it represents what you strive to be and what you fear to become. In the Heritage Campaign Setting, mankind has diverged into separate bloodlines with distinct physical and psychological traits. Humanity has changed over the ages, forced to adapt itself to a host of alien environments. These various groups often seem quite strange to each other. The game is set in a universe where the worlds of human space are discovering each other after spending their histories in isolation. The Heritage Campaign Book tells the story of humanity's search for an identity and a place to call home. Heritage is a game where a diverse collection of human civilizations has come together in a quest to uncover our past and make contact with the rest of mankind. What is the Heritage Campaign Setting?
More than anything Heritage revolves around exploration and the search for the origin of our species. Humans have lost contact with where they come from and what they once were. Tracing mankind's fractured migrations across the stars is the key to recovering our heritage and connecting with the rest of humanity. Using this Book.
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