After a long career of exotic danger, very few things surprise them.
No longer.
With 101 6th Level Spells, we bring back the magic—offering you more ways to enchant, abjure, conjure, evoke, and just plain sling spells the likes of which have never been seen. Don't settle for 26 spells. Don't settle for 47 spells. Pick up 101 6th Level Spells and unleash the kinds of sorcery never before seen in your campaign with options like maw of the purple worm, lightning pyre, or skittering shadow. This is magic to leave your allies and enemies in open-mouthed shock while your spellcasters earn their well-deserved and fearsome reputations.
Put the wonder back in your sessions—pick up 101 6th Level Spells today!
Author: Steven D. Russell; Cover Artist: Joe Calkins
Pages: 30
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This pdf is 35 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page SRD and 2 pages advertisements, leaving 30 pages for the 101 spells. Let's check them out!
6th level. The last level accessible to non-primary casters. An iconic level, a level that e.g. should offer a lot of nice stuff to e.g. the bard. Does it deliver? We'll see!
After 3 pages of spell-lists, we are introduced to the new 101 spells. I'll be following my format for these reviews, i.e. I'm going to tell you which spells I fancied and which ones I didn't like and try to give you a good overview of what you can expect from this installment of the 101-series.
All right, the first spell I loved, was "Aid Item", which gives an item 3 charges that can be used to activate the item faster. One of my absolute favorites in the book is "Bestow Major Curse", which offers a whopping selection of 14 (!!) new curses in one spell! By the way, have I mentioned that there are several other, really cool curse-like, permanent spells? The enchanters and practitioners of subtle magic like bards get some completely AWESOME spells - "Buried Suggestion" puts a suggestion into the target that cannot be detected until it is triggered. The bard's "Dance of Nakedness" does not make the target naked, but negates its items - however, the bard must keep moving AND stay close to the target - powerful, exciting and takes a seldom-seen mechanical edge to the spell. "Divide and Conquer" makes you a swarm of 300 tiny versions of yourself - damn cool. Fans of clerics get cool spells like "Excommunicate", "Exile" and similar spells that focus on their role not only as divine warriors, but also as spiritual and moral leaders.
There are also some spells that would make the chaos magic-fans and hasardeurs among you cackle with glee - I know I did: "Bouncing Boom" is a ball of changing energy - ever wanted to kill your enemies with an elemental bouncy ball? Glorious! There are also new scrying spells like "Scryingjack" that lets you take control of hostile scrying attempts and finally a spell to counter "Find the Path". There are also cool plotspells like "Kiss of Death" - kiss an enemy and get the ability to kill them in the next 12 hours - great idea to subvert parties and trick PCs. Spells I didn't like...well. Ähem. Sorry. This time, I didn't notice any balance problems, there is not a single filler spell in this book.
Editing and formatting is top-notch, I didn't notice any glitches. Layout adheres to the two-column standard and the b/w-artwork of this installment is cool. Furthermore, I liked the spells. ALL of them. They are cool, imaginative and I've just given you a small taste of the great spells herein. Even in the good 101-spells-series, this one stands out as an excellent, supremely cool book of spells. I'll rate this a full 5 stars. If you like spells, go ahead and check this out.
This product is 35 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages) The sixth installment of the 101 spells.
Next it jumps to the spells by class tables. (3 pages)
Bard – 28
Cleric – 26
Druid – 18
Sorc/Wiz by school
Abjuration - 6
Conjuration – 15
Divination – 6
Enchantment – 6
Evocation – 9
Illusion – 7
Necromancy – 10
Transmutation – 14
The following section gets into the meat of the spells. Here is a few that stood out for me good and bad. (25 pages)
Be a Tree – you turn the target into a tree, forever.
Bestow Major Curse – Now these are some nice curses.
Coma – You do non lethal damage, if you drop them unconscious they stay that way until a special condition is meet or dispelled. On the surface it seems strong, thinking cast it then kill them. But it doesn't do much damage for a 6th level spell. So I think it is balanced and somewhat flavorful spell.
Death Gaze – You gain a gaze attack for a number of rounds. Nice fluff.
Divide and Conquer – You turn yourself into 300 little you's who can then do swarm attacks. I just found this one funny, it reminded me of Army of Darkness movie.
Fearsome familiar – Temporarily turn your familiar into a oversized dangerous version of it's self.
Kiss of Death – Kissing a target. If they fail a save, the die when the caster next makes a gesture or if the caster is killed. I just liked the spell, a last ditch effort to save yourself. Kiss someone and then if they kill you, they die too. I do think the gesture part should have had a range though, it doesn't mention one. Or perhaps linked their deaths until caster releases them. So if one died they both died. Cool spell though.
Pestilence – All those around the caster must make save or be struck with a disease. It has a list of diseases. It sounds like they get hit with all of them on the list. From that point on the disease seems to work like normal.
Return to the Grave – A cleric spell that forces a undead to return to it's grave and return to death on a failed save.
Sever the Source – Fairly long cast time, if target fails save they can no longer cast arcane magic or use supernatural abilities, until removed.
Solid Darkness – Create a blob of tarry like darkness that slows movement, deals minor damage to the living and heals undead inside. As well as function like Darkness.
Steal Breath – Save or target can not breath for 1 round per caster level. A pretty vicious spell but I love the fluff.
True Love – Makes two targets fall in love forever. If they go more than 24 hours with out touching they become sickened. If one dies the other gets worse. A kinda odd but wickedly fun curse.
Offering of Rain – Causes rain to fall for one round per level, those in the rain get fast healing of 1 per 4 caster levels. Neat druid spell but I am not sure I like it working indoors. I know it makes it more useful but it just seems wrong to me. I think I might have liked it better if outdoors only but boosted a bit.
Pocket Paradise – This one just made me smile. You create a pocket dimension of a lush paradise, time spent there can cure many aliments.
Arcane Prohibition – Makes casting arcane spells very hard in the area, divine spell. Last 10 mins a level. Love the idea of the spell, so why is it in my bad list? Casting time of a single round combined with how long it last and the big failure chance to arcane spells makes it a cleric own wizard spell. I felt the casting time needed to go way up. Something clerics could cast in churches or such but something they had to set up in advance.
Transmute Elf to Orc – It turns a elf into a orc forever. The spell just seems odd and almost pointless. I suppose in some campaign settings it might make sense.
It closes with a OGL and 2 pages of ads.
Closing Thoughts. The art is black and white and pretty good. It has a old art style, I have seen it but not sure the name. It works well for the book. I didn't notice any obvious errors in the book. There was a few points where things could have been more clear but all and all not bad. Most of the spells where pretty good and well balanced. A few was meh, the only truly bad spell I thought was the Transmute Elf to Orc spell IMHO. In this one there was fewer spells I thought was very good though, but the ones that was very good where top notch.
I do have one comment about the art, it does show nipple in one of the art pieces. Personally I don't mind or care but I know some people do mind. It is tasteful artistic art though. So whats my rating? Well I thought this one was good, not great but good. I am giving it a solid 4 star. Maybe a 4.5, but I felt it wasn't there, close but not quite.
Thank you so much for reviewing not just this one but so many of our products.
I will point out that the Transmute Elf to Orc is a Tolkien influence spell. Since the Orcs were created when Melkor (Sauron's mentor) tormented, transformed and despoiled the elven nature of his captives and created the orcish race.
As a GM I would use this spell on that player who just loves to play elves because "Our Elves are Better" along with his legolas fanboy crush, then after casting this (even if he successeds at his save) remind him of the terrible secret that in my world Orcs are the decedents of the elves.
I probably should have put in the flavor text, I have a blind spot thinking everyone knows the Tolkien history of the elves.
I will point out that the Transmute Elf to Orc is a Tolkien influence spell. Since the Orcs were created when Melkor (Sauron's mentor) tormented, transformed and despoiled the elven nature of his captives and created the orcish race.
As a GM I would use this spell on that player who just loves to play elves because "Our Elves are Better" along with his legolas fanboy crush, then after casting this (even if he successeds at his save) remind him of the terrible secret that in my world Orcs are the decedents of the elves.
I probably should have put in the flavor text, I have a blind spot thinking everyone knows the Tolkien history of the elves.
I will point out that the Transmute Elf to Orc is a Tolkien influence spell. Since the Orcs were created when Melkor (Sauron's mentor) tormented, transformed and despoiled the elven nature of his captives and created the orcish race.
As a GM I would use this spell on that player who just loves to play elves because "Our Elves are Better" along with his legolas fanboy crush, then after casting this (even if he successeds at his save) remind him of the terrible secret that in my world Orcs are the decedents of the elves.
Oh, yes. Heh-heh-heh!
Myself, I'd sooner go with "Transmute Elf to Gnoll" (what? I like gnolls more than orcs), but yeah... this is perfect to use on the "You Can't Argue With Elves" guy.
And it'd be even better with those snotty elf NPCs.
Of course, once you get a reputation for ranking out orcs faster than a priestess of Lamashtu, you'll probably end up having to explain yourself to some very angry elven hit squads.
I still have the 0one and FGG stuff, but I find adventures hard to review so I keep putting them off. :)
I also have a couple of Rite Publishing, a bunch of Super Genius, Tome of Monsters by 4 Wind, Book of the River Nations, Rod of Wonder by Raging Swan and then a couple of Necromacers of the Northwest books.
I still have the 0one and FGG stuff, but I find adventures hard to review so I keep putting them off. :)
I also have a couple of Rite Publishing, a bunch of Super Genius, Tome of Monsters by 4 Wind, Book of the River Nations, Rod of Wonder by Raging Swan and then a couple of Necromacers of the Northwest books.
I vote for 0one Games first as Rob Manning wrote for us.
Then Tome of Monsters because I love monsters.
and then Rite Publishing
(Joke) Super Geinus Games can go at the bottom they dont' need your help (Joke)
And thanks for reminding me that spells aren;t just for characters to be hurling at each other, they can be whole plot seeds in their own righ
my persoanl favorite for that is
Bind Group: Creatures are unable to leave site.
I still have the 0one and FGG stuff, but I find adventures hard to review so I keep putting them off. :)
I also have a couple of Rite Publishing, a bunch of Super Genius, Tome of Monsters by 4 Wind, Book of the River Nations, Rod of Wonder by Raging Swan and then a couple of Necromacers of the Northwest books.
0onegames, FGG, JBE's "Book of River Kingdoms" and finally go through the last check of my HHG and 4WF-reviews and some OD-catching up...
And then there also are some fairly recent files on my plate, if the day only had 48 hours...